HomeWise Realty LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / HomeWise Realty LLC

HomeWise Realty LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 144 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.










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At first glance, I like the colors. I'd like to see some with 3 and 4 colors combo too please.
The logo looks clean, smart and elegant...I like it alot...but can it "pop" a little bit more without losing its smart and elegant look? What do you think having a little heart shape dot on top of the "i"?

I like the font.

HomeWise is one word with the "W" capitalized.

I'd like to see a little more space between "Realty" and "LLC". LLC doesn't necessarily have to be part of the logo.

I posted the slogan incorrectly. It should be "Helping you make all the wise choices"

Thank you!

10 years ago
I really like your design. If you don't mind, please give me a few more with different colors combo...a little more vibrant (but not loud) colors, so that from production to production, the colors wouldn't be lost.

If you could provide a couple more designs, I'd love to see them. I like your style.

Thank you.
10 years ago
Oh, could you also make the font of the "H" and "W" larger than the rest?

Thank you!
10 years ago
Thank you for these new designs!

#43: Please try it with a more feminine, soft (but not just script) "H" in the picture and make it a brighter color (like gold).
At the same time, delete the slogan. I'd like to make HOME and WISE stand out from each other as it remains to be one word, so could you do HOME in one color and WISE in another color? And also do one with "HomeWise" (capitalized and lowercase) or HOMEWISE, (all caps but "H" and "W" are taller than the rest of the other letters)?
How about an emerald green and gold color scheme for a more "pop" (but not loud) look?

#20: Could you delete "LLC", add a tiny heart as the dot for the "i" and give it to me in a red color scheme? Also, I'd like to make HOME and WISE stand out from each other as it remains to be one word, so could you do HOME in one color and WISE in another color? And also do one with "HomeWise" (capitalized and lowercase) or HOMEWISE, (all caps but "H" and "W" are taller than the rest of the other letters)? Please give me one in a red color scheme and the current blue color scheme, but make the "HomeWise Realty" words in brighter blue/grey colors.

Getting very close. Please follow the above to the point so hopefully we don't have to do this again. Thank you so much. Can't wait to see the new versions!!
10 years ago
Last 2 versions please, please, please:
Version 1 - Use #59:
1. Change to color scheme: dark green or teal (but not dull or pasty) & gold (gleaming shiny gold, not dull yellowy gold). Not the colors used in #42 (I think this combo is kind of dull and would easily lose its liveliness after so many duplications)
2. In the logo picture, change the "H" to a more feminine smooth curvy font and leave the "W" the same
3. Make the smoke stack just a tiny little bigger
4. Underline HomeWise as in #42 with "Realty" being in the center
5. Make the word HomeWise in a mixed capitalized and lowercase word and put a tiny heart as the dot for the "i"

Version 2 - Use3 #59:
1-4. Changes from #1-4 same as version #1-4 of version 1 above
5. Use the dark green color for the word "HOME" and the gold color for the word "WISE"
6. Use a tiny heart as the dot on the "i"
7. The "H" in HOME and the "W' in WISE should be taller than the rest of the letters "OME" & "ISE"

I think one of these two new versions will be perfect, and I'll definitely be able to pick from them. If you're not sure which dark green and gold combo I'd like, then please send me a few with different dark green or teal & gold combos. I am looking for feminine, smooth, curvy but still clean and modern style with classy, shiny, bright, fun colors but not loud.

Thank you, thank you so much! Can't wait to see the revisions.
10 years ago
Oh, and the H in the logo picture doesn't necessarily have to stay within the triangle either. A little bit of it could fall outside of the triangle...that's fine if it needs to...I think that might even look better.
10 years ago
I hope I'll receive the last two versions requested above from you soon, so I could make my decision tomorrow, Sunday. Please read the messages from May 31st carefully and send me the revisions as requested. Without them, I will not be able to keep you on the short list as I'd really like to. Thank you so much.
10 years ago
Version 1: Please make the H in Home and W in Wise taller/bigger than the rest of the letters, so that the H and W would stand out more as the beginning of each word.

Version 2: HomeWise - use capital H and lowercase "ome" and capital W and lowercase "ise".

Version 3:
1. Use Version 1 above and
2. For the font for only the "H" in the initial HW in the logo picture, use the font in the sample I'll be private messaging to you soon.

Version 4:
1. Use Version 2 above and
2. For the font for only the "H" in the initial HW in the logo picture, use the font in the sample I'll be private messaging to you soon.

I hope this is clear. So I'm looking to receive the above 4 versions soon. Thank you again so, so much!

10 years ago
#111 - Like the "H" in the logo! But the "W" is not too small compare to the "H", can it be 2/3 the size of the H?
Also, the diamond shape logo is smaller. I like the size of the diamond shape in #85. I also like the color scheme in #85. I also like that the diamond shape in #85 has 3 different colors and a chimney. Could you combine all the things I like into the same logo?

Another idea: Instead of the diamond shape, just do a pyramid (triangle with 3 equal size), keep the windows and chimney in #85, keep the HW in #111 but proportion the H to be only 1/3 taller/larger than the W, keep the color scheme in #85, keep the HOMEWISE REALTY font and size in #111. And make this another version.

Thank you! I really like it.
10 years ago
I like how you have the logo (diamond or pyramid/triangle) to be on the left with the HW and the word HomeWise on the right. I like the word Realty too, but try one version with REALTY left-aligned right beneath the word HOME too. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
10 years ago
Oh, and I like the word HOMEWISE in #111.
When you do the above revisions, would you please do one version with all the above changes and also make the word HOMEWISE with both capital and lowercase letters, like this: HomeWise?
Thank you.
10 years ago
Oh, and I like the word HOMEWISE in #111.
When you do the above revisions, would you please do one version with all the above changes and also make the word HOMEWISE with both capital and lowercase letters, like this: HomeWise?
Thank you.
10 years ago
#116 - Yes, I really like this version. Thank you so much!

I didn't receive any version with just a triangle shape logo instead of the diamond shape. So could you do this and send it to me pretty quickly? Just use #116 and leave everything the same, except take out the bottom half (the gold color part) of the diamond to make it look like a triangle (roof of the house) but don't take out the dark and light green colors or anything else from the top portion of the diamond. Let's do that and see how that looks. I want to see if I'd like the diamond shape or a triangle shape. I hope this is clear. If not, let me know and I'll respond ASAP. Thank you very much!
10 years ago
Thank yoi for sending this.
#122 - shape of the triangle is correct. But I didn't want any changes with the chimney, color scheme or the the white roof shadow or the window. Please make it the same as the top half of the diamond shape logo of #116. So, in other words, if you cut the diamond shape logo of #116 in equal half, I want the top half for #122, without changing anything in it. As for the HW, could you move them down a little bit so that the W would be on the blank white space? That's all. I think that would look nice. Please send me a new version with these changes. Thank you very much!
10 years ago
#116 - Please make the following revision:
Leave the logo and HW as is, no changes.
Enlarge the word HOMEWISE another 50% bigger (so 50% bigger than it is now)
Enlarge the word REALTY another 100% bigger (so twice as big as it is now)

Thank you again!
10 years ago
And for both #116 and #122 - Make the "W" in the logo bigger, about 2/3 of the H in front of it. Thank you.
10 years ago
#135 - I like it! Thank you!

Revisions Request for #135:
1. Would you enlarge the initial W in the logo bigger, like 75% larger than it is now?
2. Enlarge the word HOMEWISE 75% larger than it is now
3. Enlarge the word REALTY 125% larger than it is now (so double its current size)

#116 - I still like this a lot. So i it between #116 and #135 right now. I'd like to pick a winner in the next couple of days without waiting until the 7 days end. So please send me these revisions for #135 and #116 soon. Please don't miss any requests so we don't have to keep doing this over and over again. Thank you!

Revisions Request for #116:
1. Would you enlarge the initial W in the logo a little bigger, about 25% larger than it is now?
2. Enlarge the word HOMEWISE 50% larger than it is now
3. Enlarge the word REALTY 100% larger than it is now (so double its current size)

I look forward to receiving the above 2 new versions soon. Thank you very much!
10 years ago
#137 - Thank you for sending this version. I like the word REALTY spreaded out under the word HOMEWISE. The font size of the words HOMEWISE REALTY in #138 looks larger, and I like that. Would you revise #137 and make the font size of HOMEWISE REALTY bigger (like #138)?

#138 - I like the larger font size of HOMEWISE REALTY. Would you delete the line behind the word "REALTY" please?

We're almost done! Thank you very much!
10 years ago
I'm looking forward to receive the revisions for #137 and #138. Please send those ASAP. Thank you.
10 years ago
#141 - I really like this one. Thank you!
10 years ago
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