#3 too harsh, looks like "union" labor #4 also looks like "union" or factory worker #1,2,5 I like casualness of this more than the look of #3 and #4 #5 2 and #5 I like the 'swoosh", it just seems to fit with the word "here #5 patch shape makes me think of "security company" . When I saw this one and i saw your "find ya vegas' logo, I wondered if there might be a way to use the "welcome to vegas" sign shape here. For that matter, in any of the logos since that is our location. #1 I like the black, red, then black for the name as really separated the words. #1 and #2 the HRH image: I like the tope of it but the round bottom does not work for me.
Design 34 Love it. "comic book hero hero like" without at all being too corney. I like the yellow, red, white, and black but would like to see a few options. At least one option using the iconic las vegas sign colors which would be blue, red, white, and ok to use black as well. As far as any other options, if you have any ideas, try them. Not much else I would change. Like the outlined letters and white around the HERO; like the outlined "swoosh", etc. And I repeat, I do like the colors as proposed as weell so if the new combinations don't work, I'm okay with the original.