We like your logo the best, it's our top pick. We're hoping that we can make a few tweaks before actually committing to it?
- The blue and green colors are great, we'd just like the gray shadow cast by the house removed - Gray dividing line should be deleted - The house and words can be pulled tighter together since the shadow and dividing line will be gone - We actually decided to change the slogan to: Ready to buy your home...TODAY - Slogan should be a darker, charcoal gray - The size ratio between the words is great. We're just thinking that maybe all of the words should be larger relative to the house? We're not sure, but would love to see a few different size variations on the words. - Ideally the components of this logo can be modular so that we can use the house, words and slogan in different places depending on the medium. (website, shirts, car magnets etc) Is it possible to get the individual components separately as well as the entire logo?
You're the creative genius, so anything you can do to help. Thanks!
The other variation we're thinking about is reversing the colors for Home Helpers, making the Home in blue. We like it in other logos and just want to see how that looks against the house...
If we can see it with some more powerful/bold/deeper hues that will be great. We like the current blue and green, but want to see if we'll like it with darker colors.
Also, if you can bump up the fonts of all of the words and provide a few different variations that will help.
We like the shape/fonts/proportions of the letters in #169, and the solid blue/green colors of the letters in #168.
We'd like to see all of the words grown proportionately to be larger relative to the house. They do not have to match the overall height of the house exactly...we're just thinking about something taller/larger and closer to the height of the house than they are right now. We got the idea from the HomeVestors logo that can be seen here in the upper right-hand corner http://www.homevestors.com/ and we're hoping to get closer to their logo's overall boxy/rectangular shape if possible.
Also if we can see the slogan in a darker gray and deep black that will help.
We're trying to get this perfect, so please bear with us...can you provide us with a few different variations on this final pass?
We realize that we asked for the words to be bigger relative to the house, and you did that thank you. Now we're looking for something maybe in between, so we want to see what the house will look like a little bigger. Please keep the words/fonts the same exact size and only increase the size of the house. If you can provide 3 or more different variations that will be helpful.
Once we purchase the logo, if there is a way to grow everything proportionately and/or use the components individually, that will be very helpful as we're not sure exactly where we will be using the logo. (Website, T-shirts, direct mail, etc) We want our creative people to have flexibility when it comes to size, shape and overall look of things.
These look great! We really like #174 and #178, but we can't decide which look we like the best. (horizontal vs. stacked)
Will you provide us with both logos, and all of the modular components to move things around, change colors, etc should we decide to change things in the future? If so then we should move forward and be done.
Please let us know ASAP and we'll finish this up, thank you!
Okay, whatever you can do to make it as user-friendly and as flexible as possible for two people who have never done this before will be great!
If there is a way to stay in touch with you in the future just in case, that will be helpful too. My name is Christopher Manley and my e-mail is manleymail@gmail.com. We also have a mentor who is looking to start up another website of his own, and he'll need a logo pretty soon too.
Thanks very much for all of your help! Christopher and Alissa
Sorry but we don't have software to open PSD or EPS files...
Our designer can open up an EPS file and work with it, but if possible we'd like to see all of the logos and components you have provided in JPEG format prior to sending them over to him so that we can have a meaningful discussion with him about how and where we will be using them.
Can you send over the individual files contained in the EPS file as JPEGs?