Hi Cynthia thanks for the ranking, i read you were interested to see the design with B&W application, if you would like to provide any suggestion ill be glad to know, thanks again.
#13: Revotype, thanks for this entry. Can you please make another version with the following minor changes: - For the blue in the filmstrip and text, try a darker, deeper blue. Maybe something around R2 G49 B96 (though whatever looks best to you). Depending on how it looks, maybe brighten the gold a bit. - Move "Where to Find Hollywood" under both the icon and the text so that it's the width of the entire logo. - Increase the size of "Hollywood" and "OmniBook" so that together they are the same height as the "H" artwork.
Yes, thanks for providing the B&W version. It's ranked near the bottom not because I don't like it, but because it's the it's the sibling to the color version and I wasn't sure where to put it.
Yes Cynthia of course i can take care of those details, i will submit all of them soon, thank for your feedback is pretty important for me, best regards.
Oh yeah i was considering it... i saw that detail in one of your comments in the main page, don't worry i will take care of that detail too, thanks Cynthia.