Hello! Here are some hints for getting the most out of your contest as it progresses:
~~ Rank designs daily -- this will encourage participation.
~~ Ranking gets your contest noticed! Unless your contest is Private, 1st place entries are posted to the portfolio page:
https://logotournament.com/portfolio~~ Ranking designs daily will also keep your contest from getting cluttered.
~~ The more feedback you provide, the better results you will see.
~~ Designers are not offended by "Not Interested".
~~ Over-use of "Not Interested" discourages participation.
~~ Ranking is a non-monetary means of showing appreciation for the Designers' hard work.
~~ Designers earn points for ranked designs. We like to earn points.
More detailed information on how to get the most out of your contest can be found here:
https://logotournament.com/forum/general_discussion/914You can also look in:
https://logotournament.com/forum/contest_holder_discussion .