Tony this is very close to what we are looking for. If i may, can you add the moto gp flag (black and gray part) to the left of hollister and powersports see entry 15 for moto gp flag design also maybe lower the height and stretch the rpm gauge to the length of hollister. Please add to your #39 and #40 entry
#43 looks to be the one for us. Just for fun can you make a #43 with some sand or dirt spinning off the two o's in powersports flying to the left ,not alot just a little.( the owner thought it might look cool )
Good day Tony, They all look great. Can may be try #50 with the word powersports turned to the Kawasaki fluorescent lime green as we will carry Kawi. Monster energy drink and Kawasaki use the same shade of green.
please take #52 from orange to a fluorescent blue as we also have Polaris under the same roof. Tony sorry for all the extra work but you have naied it right everytime.
thanks Fred G GM Hollister Honda GM Hollister Powersports
Thanks Tony, maybe 2 or 3 just for fun as I think you have it right already. btw #44 seems to be the font we all like.
lets say 1. is the top, the big swoosh not the small one 2. the pointer, rpm gauge 3. hollister 4.powersports
fair enough
ok how about A 1 red 2 white with a red tip 3 white 4 blue done, looks likr the usa flag maybe maybe not
B 1 checkered black/white 2 white w ith red tip 3 red 4 white done
I think the red tip on the pointer may work on alot of them . maybe change the last one as you see fit. Tony if you are busy please dont worry about doing this as we are very happy with your work already.
Tony it seems alot of the team like the colors on #59 maybe you could use #44 font that we all like and take the small swoosh that is orange ish gold and turn it red all other colors stay the same as #59
Hey Tony #68 looks to be the one everbody likes, one last thing can we see it with the two top colors switched from blue/red on top to red/blue and the pointer in red and in white.
I think were done btw... Your service has been 100% plus
Personally, my favorite is number #77. I think no need to use lots of colors to represent the products that you sell, because your company will grow right?. Use colors that suitied to your company's vision and mission.