Historic First Church (COGIC)Logo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Historic First Church (COGIC)
Historic First Church (COGIC) has selected their winning logo design.
For $875 they received 154 designs
from 29 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
A Legacy of Love, Service, and Community
What We Do
We are a church in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn welcoming to all people and have been serving the people of the community since 1924. The target market is predominantly African American Millennials and Babyboomers 25-60. However, we want to stress our inclusive and welcoming love for all people as the neighborhood has gentrified.
Color Preferences
Burgundy / maroon, Gold. However, we are thinking about experimenting with clasping hands in rainbow colors. We are not set on particular colors
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Attached you will find a hand drawn logo draft which shows HFC. We would like to see if the right stroke of the "H" going up to the cross, could be drawn in hands clasping the forearms of another whose skin color is different. The image would be of a person of another race pulling the other person up to the cross. This would go all the way up to the cross with the forearm blending into the cross. Or, I have put end blocks at the end of each letter stroke. Maybe those end blocks or points could be pieces of stain glass windows. Or maybe the cross stroke of the "H" could be in multi-color stain glass window. We are open to other ideas as well. You may come up with something different that communicates the slogan and racial harmony.