#1, #2, #3 are interesting concepts with the tie. We also like the color scheme and how it is bright and vibrant.
try to keep the same type of color scheme - we are open to any color scheme. We are not a huge fan of the brief case with the storms on it. We would like to see more of a web 2.0 wordmark (kind of like a skype, Youtube, google type of thing). The name hirestorm is trying to capture the feeling that there is a HIRING FRENZY not that hiring is seeing rainy days! ;)
Please try to capture the HIRING FRENZY in a WEB 2.0 WORDMARK. Thanks!
#3 is really starting to grow on all of us. There are a few variations that we wanted to see.
What does it look like if you Capitalize the "H" and the "S" in HireStorm?
Also we would like to see #3 in a few different color schemes. Orange and Gray, Orange and Green, Green and Gray, and gray and bright blue (like twitter blue).