Hi, here is my submission #35 Font that I used is handwritten and uniquely created for your contest. Colors can be adjusted easily. Feedback is welcome. Thanks, Aleksandra
I would love to see more herbs included and more colour. The herbs should resemble a real plant used in herbalism. For example google passionflower, chamomile, lavender or others. See this logo for more inspiration: http://janetpashleighdesign.com/projects/leslie-roeth/
Thanks for the feedback! I will try couple of more variations, but just want to mention that each herb, that I used, is firstly handdrawn on a paper sheet and then imported into computer. Same goes for the hand written font. Regards, A
Hi again, Would you be willing to try any more variations of the herbs for #56? We are looking for drawings that resemble read herbs. Please let me know, thanks.
Hi, please sorry for delay. I needed some time to finish lavender #72 Couple of variations #73 #74 After you check it, let me know your thoughts about new direction. Thanks, Aleksandra
Amazing! My plan is to have different categories, like Hildegard Tea, Hildegard Elixirs, Hildegard Potions etc. Is that going to be easy to do in the future?
Congratulations Aleksandra, and thank you for all your effort. You do such beautiful work! Can you please let me know the exact font size and type you used for any future changes. Thank you!