This entry combines the history of golf with a modern look. I "bag piper" was developed from a photo I took @ Peeble Beach in 2004. Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Can you change the flag to red? Also I'm really torn between #140 and #119. Would you consider including multiple images in the package? I really like your work. It's really a tough choice between #140 and my current #1 pick. Thanks, John
I can make the changes to flag once I return to my home office (should not be any later than say 8:PM EST).
Rest assured that I will make sure you are happy with the end results. I also keep backup files to all of my logos for future changes needed down the road. I hope you have had a great experience with Logo Tournament and look forward to visiting your course in the near future. I have a friend in the Nasville area and plan of visiting in the next few weeks. Good luck with you choices and look for the revisons ASAP.
Here is the design with the flag in red. Please let me know if I can provide any other changes or combination of my other designs. Customer service is my #1 priority during and after the contest. thank you again for the opportunity to work with you. Best of Luck.
The red flag really makes it. we're still struggling with our choice of the 3 because they would play well on different items. #140 will look great on shirts and windshirts but is a little too dense for hats because of the high stitch count. But the bagpiper would look great on towels. Can you put all 3 into one package for us? Please let me know for sure when you are in Nashville. Even though it'll be chilly we have covered and heated carts.