I really like #89, I haven't seen anything quite like the graphical badge for it yet and it really jumps out at me. I'd be really interested in seeing a refinement of that.
Regarding #90, I quite like both those ideas. Also, if you could do something different with the person part of it, (so keep the hF and something going up it part, all in the style of #100 like you are talking about, but with something different from the stylized person)?
yes, thanks again, I will make another variations of persons I will submit tomorrow early morning, I am offline for the whole night because of heavy rain in my area. But I can do it even without internet connection, i will refine the variation tonight to make it ready for upload tomorrow.
I don't know how I feel about the star, though. Mixed feelings on it.
Also, I have a concern with putting three colors into the logo. I'm left wondering what possible color shirt, (or other gear), I can put it on? With just two colors, the shirt/towel/water bottle, etc... can be the third. I'll admit to not knowing enough about color myself to know if a fourth color resolves it, but it just starts to feel 'busy' at that point.
Is there a way to do more with #127, pull the third color out, possibly give some two color variations, and see what we have other than the star?
Sorry for such a long list, it's just that this one actually has really jumped at me and each of the other people I have shown it to.
Some of those are really promising. Right now I'm still coming back to #127 though, (not bad... honestly I may have sorted in my mind how to deal with the color issue. Let me workshop it with some of my people on this side along with some of the other things we are talking about and we will get back to you on that).
For the moment, lets look back to the person. What other ideas do you have besides reaching for a star?
We feel #127 is really close to what we are looking for. We are just struggling to find exactly what we need for it to fully polish off.
I am thinking right now what other alternatives besides reaching for a star, I conceptualized reaching a star when I read your Top Three Things to Communicate through our Logo section and about your slogan "Taking your health to another level" I made the letter HF a stairs.
It was the 'hF' as stairs that jumped out at us about #90 originally and really interested us. We absolutely love that. Even the sense of the person 'reaching' for something is fantastic.
It captures that sense of a person improving, increasing, striving, and accomplishing. That's absolutely what we are looking for. The question is just, "is there a better way to do it than with reaching for a star?".
The answer may be no, but we are hoping you can find a yes.
Hmmm... not quite what we were thinking. That's a bit too Michael Jordan/Nike Air for us. Perhaps less of a leaping basketball/ballet type and more of a rock climber leaping to grab a hold type?
Currently, we are split in house between you and one other designer. There is a preference for you, however, and people want to see if you can come up with any further improvements on #127.
That said, obviously, the contest is now over. So the frantic rush is done. We will only be talking to our second place designer further if we can't get this logo sorted. This one feels so close, however, that we don't expect that to be an issue.
What do you think? What more do you need to know from us to help you find the missing pieces?
Yes, I want something to be replaced for a star, I use star for "success" and the word "High" for High Fitness, but i ran out of concept, but if you and your team has a good suggestion I will do the design.
In #90, the person was still going up the 'stairs'... What if you made the hF a bit larger, (still like a staircase or mountain), and had the person either running up or climbing up instead of standing on top reaching for something?
i'll try mountains with presence of hf. I will submit tomorrow morning. I have no internet connection now at home, I have just borrow portable modem in my neighbor. thanks again.
No problem at all, I completely understand. I think we are in very similar time zones anyway.
Also, a development on this side has seen a change to our slogan. We are changing if from "taking your health to another level" with the much more concise, "reaching new heights".
We are just going into a meeting about the logo's and we seen that you have some fresh options for us already! We will talk them over shortly.
In the meantime, we wanted to start the day by getting back to the 'three color' problem. I've recommended an option to everyone and we are hoping you can help us get a sense of it.
As an initial test of my idea, could you do an updated version of #174? Increase the print size of the Company Name to scale better with the badge size, and update to the new slogan.
Then show us both the updated #174 and a version of the update where the white background has been changed to be the same/similar green as what is used in the badge. Also a version of the existing #178 with a similar background change.
O.k. #180 is definitely better. Possibly even the best so far.
The green background doesn't work like that so lets stick to white for the moment. We can come back to the background later.
So, #127, #180, and #178. After several hours of discussion we are all struggling on this side. Some still like #127, but don't like the star. Some like #180, but feel the man gets lost in it, (perhaps if he wasn't the same colour?). Some like #178, but feel it's to busy, (like the background and foreground are competing with each other).
What do all three look like if you just pull the green from the badge, (leaving background white in it's place), and make no other changes, (in #178, obviously color the man at that point)?
So several people have looked at it today and we all agree that #190 is excellent, but that the person looks more like spider-man trying to low crawl along than someone climbing/running/etc... up the hF.
Can you do anything to make it look less like the person is crawling? A different person perhaps? Different climbing pose?
We've been looking at these a lot over here and we just can't get any of the 'people' to feel like they look quite right. That said, one suggestion this morning sounds like it may have some merit.
Can you take the person out entirely. Keep the h F as 'stairs/mountain' by themselves.
Then, in addition to that, get rid of the third color, (Everyone is agreed that we need to simplify on the colors and have less of them). Finally, for the background of the graphic badge, to give the sense of 'gong up' without the person, have the background color do a shade change from bottom left to top right in a way that gives a sense of 'rising'. Like a sunrise feeling or something like that where the 'rise' is in the top right, (following the line made by the rising h F).
Does all that make sense and sound possible to you?
#197 and #203 seem to be 'it' for us and we intend to designate the winner today.
This being our first use of logotournament, however, we have a question about how it works once we do that.
Which of the images do we get from you? We actually have ideas for all of our top three, (#197, #203, 190), but don't want to get our hopes up? Do we just get the one we designate?