I like the blue and the lighter stroke. I think the method you used for smoothing the font not only "sanded down" the jagged edges, but also slightly "melted" the shape of the letters. If we decide to come back and revisit this, we'd probably want to use a different way to reduce the jaggedness while keeping the letter shape. Thanks for submitting along the suggestions though!
After getting additional input from others, we're going to go back to focusing on the logos like this that are without the outline. Your logos are currently in our top two designer choices. We're allowing another designer to submit some changes to his logo as well as we evaluate the final options. Thanks!
I also prefer the cross from the right portion of the H. I think I'd go back to the original font for the tagline. Also, can you check our original logo and see if you can match the blue? Thanks!
This is helpful to see the monochrome version. One thing that show up, however is the jagged edges on the font. I think we'd prefer a bit less of that.
On this, the boldness looks good. I'd be interested to see it with a little thinner outline. Also, the cross now seems like it needs to be bolder as well to match the font.
Like the white, unstroked version, this feels a bit flatter than the one with stroking/outlining around the font. As we'll probably create a dark T-shirt with a single color, this would have to have a bolder font feel if it lacked the stroke/outline. Thanks for trying the option though!
Thanks for your work and for taking the feedback into consideration! This version is promising. It's a little difficult to tell for sure at the image size we see, but I'd be interested to compare this logo with a few variations: 1) with a slightly different font for the tagline ("Reflecting...") and 2) with a slightly larger font on the tagline (but not so large that it extends past the word "Hidalgo.") I like how the elements below the main word all draw together in this version, so a larger tagline font may or may not look better. 3) Lastly, as we're looking at printing options, we may end up using a monochrome version of the final font, so we're considering what logos we could print in a single color and still have the boldness. Thanks!
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