I really like entry #5. Can you show me what it would look like with solid colors for the green earth and blue sky? And with the words in somthing similar to Copperplate Gothic bold font? And with the design of Land Resources... on the other side of the hanging g, put "LLC"
I like what you have been doing... And I am good with the multi shade in the colors, it looks good. Can you show me #17 in an additional way? With the logo to the left and the name to the right.... But words all in black and a little larger on the 2nd line... with LLC added after resources and again with the tree being an oak type tree with a rounded canopy. Thanks.
Sure, no problem. I hope I managed to develop this badge of logos the way you described in the comment above. Please tell me if something wasn't the way you imagined it so I can work on it.
Yea, they look very good. Thanks. One thing... Can you do something different with that rounded tree.... Try it with the original style again and possibly something else. I like the wording the the LLC in gray on the side, it looks very good. Thanks.
I really like it. Can you show me the #66 entry with the blue circle instead of the green. But, It looks good. And I don't know how this would look but.... Another with the house, trees and shade lines in Black? Just tyring to mix it up. I like the other artist... ranked # 2 also. Just playing around with it before tomorrow. Thanks for all your time and effort.
I am glad you like what I have done for you and I appreciate the time you spend on providing me with feedback. We can try different color combinations for as long as you need, after all you have payed to get the best logo possible. I hope you like the white house and trees. I used white specifically to make them stand out and be noticeable, otherwise if I used a darker color they would get lost when the logo is printed/used on small media. Also, I've kept the horizon clean in order to focus the attention of the viewer. I've been thinking of adding a barn or another structure to the landscape but it would overcrowd the logo. However, I will try different landscape positions so you have a wide variety of versions to choose from.
Don't hesitate to ask for any kind of changes you may think of - I am here to design for you.
FINAL REQUEST: Can you show me # 66 with the blue circle like you did in #38... with the richer blue in the back grounf. I like the 3 small trees with the house on the right. Thanks
nice job... 96 is the winner. I may have you send me one with our address under the "Land Resources" for envelopes... if that's ok. Even in a smaller font to make it match up... PO BOX 2804, CONROE, TX 77305 we can discuss later. Thanks for the work, Ritch