#126 Make the display part of the logo a square, and it would make this design more appealing to us. I like the colorfulness and the overall concept, but my partner wants a logo with a square shape to it. Thanks.
#141 Ok, make the word Drivers all caps, but with the D still bigger, just like you did with the word Helpful. My partner and I both love your design! I mean LOVE IT!
#149 Can you put the logo on the right side of the words? Pretty please? Great job by the way! I think this is the one. My partner & I both think this is what we are looking for.
#151 is the one! Looks great! Can you try something for us? Don't change anything at all with the design or wording, but can you see what the letters in HelpfulDrivers and the numbers in the 888-60-DRIVER would look like if they were just a slight bit thinner? We love the design the way it is, but are a little worried the letters and numbers could blur a bit in print advertising. Thank you. Great Work!