#6 I like this a lot. Can you show me what this same design would look like if the word Helpful was in Green and the word Drivers was in Black? Thanks.
I have your #8 ranked number one right now, however, #11 is closer to what we had in mind when we came up with the company concept. Can you do a version of that, in your own style, with the same colors you are currently using? I really like your overall work best so far.
#6 is our favorite of yours, but we need to see a couple slight modifications. First, we would like to see the .com portion on the same line as the HelpfulDrivers part. Second, we would like to see the phone number just slightly bigger and bolder and placed right underneath the HelpfulDrivers.com part. Next, we would like to see the Easy. Affordable. Transportation. slightly bigger & bolder, but placed at the bottom.
Thanks for your effort. You are close to winning in my partner's eyes, but he asked for these changes.
HelpfulDrivers.com LOGO of road 888-60-DRIVER off to the right side Easy. Affordable. Transportation.
Helpful in black, Drivers in green, .com in black. Plus, .com should be on the same line as HelpfulDrivers. 888-60- in black, DRIVER in green Easy. Affordable. Transportation. in black. We like the logo of the road from design number #6 the best.
Can you make the color a little bit bolder too? Thanks.
#94 is almost exactly what we want, however we want the Easy. Affordable. Transportation. at the bottom BELOW the phone number and we would like to see it a little bit bigger. Thanks.