Hellenic Hunting and Fishing Club ARTEMISLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Hellenic Hunting and Fishing Club ARTEMIS

Hellenic Hunting and Fishing Club ARTEMIS has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 65 designs from 10 different designers from around the world.










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Logo Designer
Καλημέρα Σπύρο από τη χρεοκοπημένη Ελλάδα ;)
This is my initial entry for your review and consideration. Simple yet memorable logotype that's easy to reproduce on any medium (from stationary to coffee cup, to billboard). All of these have the same tag line written in 3 languages so there can be no problems.
Colors can be easily adjusted.


(This comment references Entry #21)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
ps... i have not includes the icon of the Goddess Artemis due to the fact that it's «αυτονόητο» who she is...

(This comment references Entry #23)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
This is the version of the logotype in b/w for facsimile usage.... clean and crisp.

(This comment references Entry #24)
13 years ago
Ghiassou Mιχάλης,
Xairoume for your participation. The logo is very interesting and a new twist to what has been presented insofar. We may be demanding much in our logo but our logo needs to reflect our culture, heritage, sport and activities and therefore here are the details that must be reflected in our logo:

1) Deer looks great but I wish to see it with the famous statue of the godesse Artemis as in the creation of Leochares (Greek: Λεοχάρης) in the 4th century BC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leochares
2) I really like the A for Artemis that reflects bow and arrow! very creative. I would also like to see the inclusion if possible of a rifle, shotgun and crossbow
3) our logo needs to reflect the colors of white, blue and green which symbolize the oceans, the forests, mountains and sky (especially blue and white due our GREEK HERITAGE)
4) our logo must also reflect our fishing spirit
5) Due to language issues in Quebec, Canada our name must be in French and other lnguages in smaller print. If at all possible, I would like to see all names but at minimum French and English second.
6) Can you recreate ARTEMIS name in an ancient greek letter print.
7) the emblems representing our Greek, Canadian and Quebec flag is very nicely done. Please correct the fleur de lys of Quebec it should reflect the following http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Quebec

I will be looking forward to your feedback...

Polla xairetismata apo to Montreal, Quebec. We miss our beautiful and wonderful patritha

Spyridonas P. Pettas
13 years ago
Logo Designer
On it Spyridona...
will upload asap!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Σπυρίδων.... ελπίζω να έχω πλησιάσει....
Ηope this is closer to what you are refering to.

(This comment references Entry #26)
13 years ago
Entry #30, Here are my comments:

1) Let's remove the godesse Artemis and replace it with a larger deer as originally used in Entry#22 but larger. I recommend the same color deer, a black outer trim to give it depth;
2) The letter "A" to be replaced with the letter A of entry #22 (bow and arrow effect) and change the color of A to green instead of blue, to applied only to the letter A
3) The balance of "rtemis" to be in an arch instead of linear line to create continuity of arrow.
4) Please remove "helenique chasse et peche AND Hellenic Hunting and Fishing Club" and replace these 2 lines with one single line with the words: "Club Hellenique de Chasse et Pêche ARTEMIS" in bold and to be placed underneath "ARTEMIS"

we're getting there, looking forward to your feedback
5) Please correct the color of the Fleur de Lys, as per my previous instructions
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Spyridona... made the changes you asked for ... well up to 90% actually.
The arched Artemis looks really bad... so, i took the liberty of coming up with this.
Hope you like it.


(This comment references Entry #39)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
with a darker shade of green...

(This comment references Entry #40)
13 years ago
Ghiassou Mιχάλης

Entry #40, here are my comments:

Very interesting, but i prefer the arches of entry #30. Therefore, work on entry#30 with the changes we asked previously.
13 years ago
Ghiassou Mιχάλης, I am waiting and looking forward to your newest presentation of entry#30

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Geiaaaasooouuuu Spiro!
Working on it... trying my hardest φιλε μου!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
updates on design...

(This comment references Entry #43)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
with bigger sun and bird in sky

(This comment references Entry #44)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
and finally bow and arrow A...

(This comment references Entry #45)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
update with fish jumping out of water

(This comment references Entry #47)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
with rays of light

(This comment references Entry #48)
13 years ago
entry #48, 45 and 47, very imperessed...we're getting. I prefer number #48 but change the letter A of Artemis to the "A" in entry #45 and #47.

Please reproduce logo #48 but without the bird and fish .... i am afraid we will not be able to see this detail when create logos on shirts and caps.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Will do Spyridona... anything else... i'm your Greek! ;)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here you go.... i personally think that this is perfect.
I have also added a b/w variant and an inversed version so you can see the simplicity of the design and that it can be used on any medium at any size.

(This comment references Entry #52)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
A as bow revision....

(This comment references Entry #55)
13 years ago
Ghiassou Mιχάλης, my friend your on the right track. I had a board meeting last night to get their inputs for the third time. so here are the comments:

1) remove sun
2) remove trees
3) they wish that our name appear stronger in the logo....maybe put a blk liner (my opnion but your the expert)....
4) if possible can the deer be larger? and larger antlers?
5) place the leaping deer closer towards the S which is in line with the shooting arrow
6) The french name of Artemis - make it bolder.

with these changes, my group will be satisfied!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
as per your request Spyridona..... just one thing... i kept the deer in the center to keep the logo balanced... i tilted the arrow to follow him and not vice versa...


(This comment references Entry #56)
13 years ago
Excellent, allow me to consult my team. Great job, thank you for your patience and cooperation.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you Spyridona and team... appreciate the opportunity of designing your clubs logotype.

13 years ago
Ghiassou Mιχάλης, competition is always most complete.
I have one last question, we are the running finalist and wish to know the cost ghia as secondary logo to onoma ARTEMIS sketo me to A san bow and arrow. The purpose is to use the secondary ARTEMIS logo on the back of jackets, t-shirts and other promotional material.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Upon completion of the contest ... i will upload a template that includes the typography as a stand alone also...
so (sigh) there is no extra cost. ;)
13 years ago
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