Can you add more color to #12? Can you make the 7 more visible on #54 & remove the pics of the kids & use that space for the words "kids club"? Thanks!
How about adding some color to #13 & then use our smile arc from our logo to make a smile in the lower right corner instead of the tooth. Thanks for your efforts!
You've been busy! Congratulations on being a finalist. There are a few that are looking good. on #107, let's get some teal color in there. Let's also try it with eyes above the smile arc. On #113, let's get the full HH Heetland Orthodontics logo at the top & then let's rotate the 7&UP and smile arc below so that it's more in line with our existing logo--like the angle of the arc you have in #107. Sorry if that's confusing! On #108 just add the HH to the top left On #12 let's rotate the 7&up & smile arc & put 'kids' and 'club' on separate lines so it takes up that whole space vertically. I'll check in tomorrow! Thanks & good luck!
Looking forward to settling on a design (we'll probably work from #168) & then hope to get either the editable file or in different colors so we can print it on different colored shirts. For publication use, we'd also like to get the components of it in a horizontal pattern like #114. We'll send some feedback tomorrow.