Heaven Is A Place on EarthLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Heaven Is A Place on Earth Heaven Is A Place on Earth has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 94 designs from 21 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client BernieHernie United States What We Do It is a big party and we want to brand the party. It is an 80 theme party in NYC. Industry Events Color Preferences Grey, Blue, White, Black Themes MasculineSimpleLuxuryModern Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st YINGBU Withdrawn 2nd Aragon Withdrawn 3rd BusinessBuilders Withdrawn 4th YINGBU Withdrawn 5th Aragon Withdrawn 6th Zodo Withdrawn 7th Trinova Withdrawn 8th Corvin Withdrawn 9th YINGBU Withdrawn 10th YINGBU Withdrawn New twonzone Withdrawn New peg770 Withdrawn New peg770 Withdrawn New peg770 Withdrawn New Delilah Withdrawn New peg770 Withdrawn New Water Lily Withdrawn New Water Lily Withdrawn New BusinessBuilders Withdrawn New BusinessBuilders Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New bergsjo Withdrawn New YINGBU Prefers others. muratyilmazer Prefers others. Delilah Prefers others. jjbq Withdrawn Prefers others. lin Withdrawn Prefers others. de.sign Withdrawn Prefers others. twonzone Withdrawn Prefers others. twonzone Withdrawn Prefers others. DeadSchool Withdrawn Prefers others. twonzone Withdrawn Prefers others. OcH@ Withdrawn Prefers others. Aragon Withdrawn Prefers others. Aragon Withdrawn Prefers others. Trinova Withdrawn Prefers others. Trinova Withdrawn Prefers others. Trinova Withdrawn Prefers others. Trinova Withdrawn Prefers others. Trinova Withdrawn Prefers others. BusinessBuilders Withdrawn Prefers others. BusinessBuilders Withdrawn Prefers others. Zodo Withdrawn Prefers others. Zodo Withdrawn Prefers others. Zodo Withdrawn Prefers others. Zodo Withdrawn Prefers others. Zodo Withdrawn Prefers others. quizas Withdrawn Prefers others. DALHAZZ Withdrawn Prefers others. Aragon Withdrawn Prefers others. Trinova Withdrawn Prefers others. YINGBU Withdrawn Prefers others. YINGBU Withdrawn Prefers others. Trinova Withdrawn Prefers others. Trinova Withdrawn Prefers others. Trinova Withdrawn Prefers others. Trinova 1 2 1 2 Next > Discussion BernieHernie Client That looks like a coffee bar. It's a gay party we need something more visually appealing. 10 years ago BernieHernie Client I like no. 16, no. 19 and no.27 10 years ago