My first submission for your logo - a fairly abstract form, yet lends itself to a hear and/or a tomb (that reference may need some more tweaking as it's not obvious!) A simple, progressive symbol.
I'm happy to make any changes and welcome your feedback. Jon Nicol put me onto this contest after I worked with him for his Worship Team Coach logo.
Catherine, thanks for the submissions. #32, I like the straight forward text. I've got some people on the team who like the idea of a letter form, so you're on the right track with this one. Maybe something with just the H.
I also like the lowercase in #31. If you want to go to for a more recognizable empty tomb pictoral it might be worth it. An influential guy on the team is really pushing for it. Can you make it simple, subtle and slightly abstract, but still recognizable as an empty tomb? Does that make sense.
Overall, feel free to throw a few variations of more classic looking text and modern sans serif. We've got people pushing both ways. Ultimately, it will probably come down to what will look good on our building. you can read about it in the brief.
Compared to choosing my logo, this logo process is infinitely harder with a church and trying use a committee. The next 30 hours should be interesting
Hi again, thanks for the feedback - I've attempted the tomb pictorial, surprisingly difficult to do - so this is fairly abstract/simple but I think still recognisable. It's nearing the end of your contest, and I will be away from the computer now for a few hours. I understand it will be difficult deciding when there is a whole committee to please!
It's pretty clear why most people use the cross as a symbol versus the empty tomb. Way easier to visually represent. I appreciate you giving it a shot. I'll try to elicit some feedback from the others on this before the contest ends.
And my with my last comment about the grain stalks, I meant to convey that you're welcome to take a shot at that design. I don't think grain stalks for a church in Ohio named Heartland is original. But would that step over design etiquette/rules? thanks, jon
I didn't realize it was actually you running this contest! Yea I didn't want to use the grain stalk as it is first ranked concept, protectable concept probably. Wish you well with deciding in the next few days, and pleasing everyone!
Catherine, The would like team to see a variation on your logo, if you're open to submitting during the judging. With so many opinions in the mix, it's a toss up right now.
For #32, we like the bold font for Heartland. We’d like to see 'church' added underneath, similar to entries #84 and #47. We’d like to lose the C in the letter form/pictoral. We like the vertical columns and block look. Can you do a redesign of this letterform with just an H, keeping the column and block look? You're colors are fine for now, we're actually still debating that. <<sigh>> so no need to put put extra time into color variations.