Heart of America Mega-SiteLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Heart of America Mega-Site

Heart of America Mega-Site has selected their winning logo design.

For $675 they received 186 designs from 33 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Missouri's Gateway to Opportunity
What We Do
The branding is for a 7,000 acre Mega-Site Industrial and Innovation district which accommodates large scale building development. The target users for the development are massive-scale manufacturers, logistics centers and data centers. The development is located in rural Missouri and requires sensitivity to the community, it’s residents and the farming history of the County in which it lies. The community has requested that their values be represented in the branding of the development. Those values are; Americana, rural, hardworking, talented, resourceful, considerate, community-minded. The brand should also be recognized as positive, growth oriented, responsible, and the highest and best use of the real estate. It also represents the bright future of the region of mid-Missouri and economic prosperity.
Interstate 70 is a landmark of the county and a major means of site access. The St. Louis Gateway Arch could be used as a symbol to the region.
The average lot size available within the development is 400-700 acres.
Real Estate
Color Preferences
Earth tones, sustainability, neutrals, rural, open to varying color palettes.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The Gateway Arch, Interstate 70, farming, rural America, topography, trails, rivers, transportation, industrial
Style Inspiration
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