Healthy and freeLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Healthy and free

Healthy and free has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 62 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.




























Prefers others.


I like these as they encompass a happy free looking person and a tree which to me represents the environment and nature. I think I actually like entry 2 better than 1 as entry 1 the person seems to blend in a little with the tree!!
13 years ago
perhaps the font could be a little softer and nicer colours (no grey)
13 years ago
perhaps the font could be a little softer and nicer colours (no grey)
13 years ago
I like this better (entry 13). Can you show something with this style but encompas the tree of life shape into it? So perhaps changing the shape of the tree. I also like leaves (they represent nature and 'naturals' to me. the font is better but still could be softer/curvier...italics perhaps? Thank you.
13 years ago
I like it. The tree seems to over power the person a little though. I like the green smile underneath & the font colour & style!! Thanks.
13 years ago
I really like this one now. The tree is great, love the smile underneath it and the colours I like too. The only thing is the tree seems to overpower the person. Maybe you could balance them up a bit? Thank you.
13 years ago
the above comment is for entry 16
13 years ago
I liike entry 34 better, thank you but am wondering if it can be simplified at all.
13 years ago
I still wonder if entry 13 could have font & font colour like entry 16. Also wondering if the leaves could be any different? Could the man be green too??

entry 46 - I like this one but the leaves look different sizes.

entry 34 - I'm still keen on this but wonder if it could look a little simpler?

Thank you for all of your designs and effort!
13 years ago
I like entry 53. Can you please do the font the same as entry 34 as well as some similar colours too (esp the green that goes darker). Thank you.
13 years ago
thank you I like entry 57. I wonder if you could jazzy it up a little with some more colour in the tree. And I think the 2 different leaf styles need to be the same.....
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Im sorry to put it so blunt but I think you're into cliche designs. I dont like designing cliche logos. I think even if I use such a common pointy shape peolple in a logo then Id rather be a little more creative.

But its your choice offcourse.

13 years ago
you have a right to your opinion, that's fine. Can you tell me whether you are still able to change the design on #46 at all. I really like it but there is something not quite right with the leaves. I'd like the 2 green leaves opposite each other and the sizes a little more in proportion if possible. I'm guessing it may just be too late to do anything at this stage but wanted to ask anyway. I've never used this tournament before and don't actually know if I can talk to you once I've closed the contest and chosen the winner (probably you!)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
13 years ago
Logo Designer
#58 like this?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
13 years ago
I don't like it as much as the other one (#58). The leaves look more realistic (like on a plant). The sizes and colours just need to be a little more symetrical I feel.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
13 years ago
#59 doesn't look any different to #58. I like #46 the best but just want the colours mixed around a bit. Maybe the man could be a different colour to the leaves. I like the look with the 4 leaves but the 2 green together and then 2 other colours just doesn't look right to me. Maybe try all green leaves? The red and the blue leaves also don't quite look the right size compared to the green ones! I appreciate you still helping here....We're so close!!
13 years ago
I do like them better with the leaves all green. A few things

1 - I think the man needs to be a different colour to the leaves.
2 - The writing could look better all the one colour.
3 - I have mentioned a few times that the red and the blue leaves also don't quite look the right size compared to the green ones! And when I take a closer look they don't quite look like full leaves. The whited out bit between the persons legs block out the rest of the leaves (the one behind him and to his left) which is why they look a bit strange I there anything that you can do about that please?
4 - The persons right foot is also hiding behind a leaf - I'd prefer if you could see the foot as then it would look like he's standing on the leaf).
Thanks again. :)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi katrina,

1- Man needs different color. (What color do you want it to be?)
2- Will change the writing.
3-Your 3d and 4th point is something which I feel obligated to guide you. The leaves are offcourse not the same size... they are illustrated in a perspective where the one at the further looks smaller and different shape. We are creating a picture here ... not a geometrical shape... there would be no perspective or sense of perspective if you make the sizez equal. It would look like a 3 year old's drawing. The whited is not whited :)... its is actually how things are illustrated to make them stand out... this white makes it feel that the guy is standing and is doing something (like a shadow). If you remove the white the whole image will become unclear and the man would become the part of the leaves. 4- The foot can appear... but would have to add white to make it visible. Let me know pls!
13 years ago
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