Hi. Nice ideas..blue here is more associated with conventional medicine (I'm in New Zealand).Can you try greens/yellows as well as the blue, and more than one colour in the design. Also, can you try a contrast of font so health is quite serious (as you have it) and Wizard is a bit playful..maybe a softer font or italics etc. I really like the circle, and also wonder what it would be like in bright colours on a coloured (possibly blue or dark green) field. Thankyou, Frances.( I want as little black as possible)
Hi Again. I love the crystal ball logo, and the fonts in #13 and #14. Not keen on the black background..it has an association with death! keep going.. can you try 2 or 3 colours rather than just shades of one colour .E.g Green and a deep yellow or orange or plum red.And a coloured backgroung is a good idea too, but not black. thankyou
Hi again. i still like your design best. Thanks for trying my suggestions...the green and red has not worked as well as I expected..have a look at green purple combo please. And could you try one against a darker, but not black, field again please.thankyou, Frances
#61 and #59 are my two favourites in the competition at present. I have only ranked #61 in the top 5 at present so other designers still able to compete. In 59 I like the slightly larger ball than you put in #60. The colours are good too and I like the yellow star..a bit of magic. Are you able to try one where the colour in the two words is graduated from top to bottom, so it starts off green but gradually "bleeds" down to purple at the bottom? On #61, the purple lettering may have to be paler to stand out more, or the background paler...the idea is great, just not quite enough contrast. Many thanks. Frances