I like #15 by Sero as a good concept trying to incorporate the features we were looking for. - can you do a few variations on this - maybe simplifying the leaf part a bit and making the man's shape on the pill bottle stand out a bit more (try light blue on the pill bottle?)
I am liking entry #17 a lot, the leaves are making me a little worried though, although the simpler design of the leaves in 17 is better than the others.
This is starting to remind me a bit of Adam and Eve in the garden, this is the feeling I am getting from 17 and I dont know if it is good or bad... keep going with that one.
Also can you show me the entry 16 with no leaves? just the pill bottle and ointment bottle?
Hi Sero - I think your designs are great and i like your lines!
Can you do something for me - can you take my original design with your man/woman figures and re-create it in the same look with Pill Bottle on left and Cream Tube on right of the Logo words Health & Beauty, then with World in smaller letters under neath
Basically I would like you to "Copy" my original logo - putting the letters in a better font like you Entry #17 and with your attention to detail. Can you do that for me?
I really need the Pill Bottle and the Cream Tube in the same prominent position as they are in my original logo (uploaded against the tournament) - but I would like you to add a better font and your attention to detail (also give me a few colors to look at for the area behind the text or else change the text color to suit)
Thanks for that - I like #51, can you work on the pill bottle and make it a bit longer and change the man image to the one in 17. Can you also make the word World smaller and the Health and Beauty bolder/thicker
#53 still best looking so far, can you change the background to green (the orange background) and the words to white on one example and the words in orange/yellow on a second example?