#11: Absolutely adorable. Very eye catching, makes you smile, and is easily remembered. Also like the script and size of the font for Healing Hands. What I don't like is the thumbs. They look like bowling pins. Could we soften them a bit, like a flower petal. I also was hoping for at least three animals harmoniously blended together in a yin/yang sort of way. Would there be a way to keeping the smiling dog and work other critters around him shaped like hands? Not sure how you would do that tastefully. #10: On the right tract of the yin/yang theme but the paw print is a very common symbol. I am looking for the unusual yet eye catching. #12: Again, right on tract with the yin/yang feel, but the hands look a like off. They need to be more delicate, like a lotus flower petal. Like the dog and cat but a little blunt. Wanting something a little more abstract but still easily recognizable. The dog in #11 is spot on. Love him.
I am really happy that you like the doggy... :) Here are the changes you suggested...
I am afraid that if we add more figures to the first ranked (the doggy and hands) it would be too much complexity in the design and would loose impact and simplicity... The logo should be simple for many reasons... to be easily remembered for the ones are looking and to have a clear message... I think that just with the doggy is clear, but I have submitted versions trying to integrate a cat to the design... And other versions of the rest of the designs...
#18: Hi Sebastian, it took a second before I noticed one ear of the dog was a cat. Love it! I also like the softer thumbs. If you use your imagination, they look like quail. Not sure if I like the split color on the wording. Could you possibly make the opposite thumb from the cat more bird shaped? See if that looks okay or not. I will have my husband look at the designs tonight and get back to you.
#24: I do like the design but not filled in with all that color. Too harsh, would look funny at a quick glance.
#25: I think you are right. Too busy when we attempt to add the bird. Unfortunately I really want a bird in the logo because I am an Avian doctor. Can you try too different designs? First, keep the cat in the ear and delete the thumbs. Second, keep both the bird and cat in the ears and delete the thumbs. Let's see how those look. My husband likes the two toned Healing Hands. Thanks.
Good Morning Sebastian, For grins and giggle can we modify #18. Make the head a bit bigger and add little legs to the thumbs. They look like a bird already so lets add stick legs and feet. My husband doesn't like the bird eye patch but I love it! This would be a compromise. Thanks, Dr. Kimberly
#89: Fantastic! But instead of making the feet stick straight out (looks like a dead bird) , can you try two different feet placements? First coming straight down from the rear, and second, straight down from the belly . We can see which looks better. That way you have a standing bird. Also try with the smaller eye patch like #11 has. Thanks, Dr. Kimberly
#97: LOVE IT! Everyone loves it! Will have my husband look at it tonight when he gets home from work. #94: Loved it until I saw #97. we will see what my husband thinks but so far #97 gets everyone's vote here at the vet clinic. Thanx Dr. Kimberly
Good Evening Sebastian, Regarding #97 and #98, could you make each animal a distinct color so that they stand out more. As it stands, from a distance they look like one green blob. Also (not sure if it is possible) can you put a smile on the dog and cat face. All your other pups like #96 are smiling back at you. Makes you feel happy about going to the vet. My husband also likes the two toned words better. The Healing Hands each in a different color. Thank you, Dr. Kimberly
Good Evening Sebastian, I posted a public comment about black and white print but wanted to tell you personally in case you didn't read it. I think your design will turn out okay in black and white but the fine white lines might be too thin? Letting the black ink bleed together. You are the artist. Can you play around with the images so that they look great in either black and white or color format. After all, not all documents are printed in color. I want my logo to look good and be recognizable in any shade. Thanks Bunches. Dr. Kimberly
Different colors for the animals, also I increase a bit the white path between them in order to not have problems in printing... And the B&W version...
Good morning Sebastian, Thank you for the black and white, it helped to see how the logo would look. Unfortunately, my husband pointed out my mistake, that I wanted gray scale differences. So #122 with the darker shades works well in gray scale. This morning his new complaint is with the dog's tail. He says it is distracting. Can you try a version without the tail. Thank you for the smiley faces. Dr. Kimberly
Good Afternoon, Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I was away from my laptop for the day. #129: Does look better without the tail. Now my husband wants you to take away the cat's body. He wants simplicity. He is envisioning the dog and cat head of equal size. I would like you to add whiskers to the cat if at all possible. He also wants a bird head only. I don't think that would look good unless you can find an appropriate parrot head. If you want to use a third color instead of just blue and green, please feel free to do so. Whatever it takes to make each critter stand out. Thanks, Dr. Kimberly
Good Afternoon, Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I was away from my laptop for the day. #129: Does look better without the tail. Now my husband wants you to take away the cat's body. He wants simplicity. He is envisioning the dog and cat head of equal size. I would like you to add whiskers to the cat if at all possible. He also wants a bird head only. I don't think that would look good unless you can find an appropriate parrot head. If you want to use a third color instead of just blue and green, please feel free to do so. Whatever it takes to make each critter stand out. Thanks, Dr. Kimberly
Good Afternoon, Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I was away from my laptop for the day. #129: Does look better without the tail. Now my husband wants you to take away the cat's body. He wants simplicity. He is envisioning the dog and cat head of equal size. I would like you to add whiskers to the cat if at all possible. He also wants a bird head only. I don't think that would look good unless you can find an appropriate parrot head. If you want to use a third color instead of just blue and green, please feel free to do so. Whatever it takes to make each critter stand out. Thanks, Dr. Kimberly
Good Morning Sebastian, Just checking to see if you are alright. I haven't seen a revised logo in 36 hours. You are my number one pick and able to make and send revisions. Hope you had a great birthday. Looking forward to any revisions. Thank you Dr. Kimberly
Good Evening, #142: The new design is a bust. The main comment everyone gave was the hands were too far apart and it no longer look inviting. Also no one liked the three floating heads, but had to let my husband see the error of his way. Love the whiskers. #129: seems to be everyone"s favorite. Can you put whiskers on that cat and do three different colors so each animal pops. Thanks, Dr. Kimberly
I have no problems to deliver as many options as you wish to go for the best result... but you have to trust more in your taste and your opinion on this... is your business... Have just uploaded the new options... I would still go with the version with the dog's tail... it gave more happyness to the logo, and also made the image more equilibrated...
Good Evening Sebastian, #145: Is very good. Still not quite thrilled with the colors. Can you make the bird purple. The cat a light ash color with hint of blue. Not a clue what you would call that color. I guess gray and blue mixed. Try the dog a brown color. Also try one version with a dog tail and one without a tail. Lastly, lighten the hands just a bit so they aren't over powering the trio. Thank you so very much for your patience and understanding. Dr. Kimberly
Good evening, #147: Love this one.! The colors are very soothing and very complimentary to each other. Can I see this one with a dog tail like you suggested. Thanks much, Dr. Kimberly
Hi Sebastian, #149 is actually a little better. The colors pop better and you can identify each critter from a distance. I really liked the purple lettering that matched to the bird in other examples. Can we do the same for this logo. #147: Is very soothing but it was hard to make out individuals. The dog tails in #151-153 just don't look right. Much better without. Thanks for your patience. Dr. Kimberly
Good Afternoon Sebastian, #154 : Is great! My husband loves the colors. Before selecting it, I want a few friends and clients to weigh in on how it looks. Will get back to you soon. Thanks, Dr.Kimberly
Good Evening, #154: Everyone loved it ! One modification is a slightly bigger font size for "Veterinary Wellness Center". It is hard to read being so small. Thank you so much. We are almost there. Dr. Kimberly
Good Morning Sebastian, #155: Almost there. If we made "Healing Hands" just a touch smaller, could we make "Veterinary Wellness Center" a touch larger. Just trying to make it easy to read at a glance and for old folks with failing eyes. Thank you, Dr. Kimberly
Good Evening, #157: I think you have a winner. Let me just check with my husband when he gets home but it is looking great. Can see it much better from a distance. Thanks for all your hard work, Dr. Kimberly
Sebastian, this is Dr. Kim's husband, Ben. I like the latest logo (#157), but I'm concerned about it's use on business cards. (1) is it possible to "un-bold" the "Healing Hands" a little, so that it's a little easier to read, kind of like #119 or #140 from two other logo submitters. Kim and I like the script, but I want to ensure that when Kim hands out a business card, they can easily see and understand the "Healing Hands" name of the clinic on the card. (2) When we click "winner", I'm not sure of everything we get. I know that we'll be getting a file with the entire logo for various uses, but will we also get a file with just the title of the clinic? I'm thinking that in some formats we might want to put the name of the clinic above the logo or to the side, so having three total files would be best (one for the combined logo as you're submitting, one for just the logo itself and one for the name of the clinic itself), so that we'll have the flexibility in designing brochures, business cards, etc. Thanks, and I really love your work! Ben
Here is the same font of the logo, thinner... Let me know what you think...
In response to your other questions... I can deliver as variations of the logo as you need after the contest is over via e.mail... I just can send you the main logo via logotournamnet... but will send you other versions via e.mail.
Same here! :-) Well, after looking at both, Kim and I agree that we actually like the "bolder" better. The thin one was a little to light to be easily read. I think my eyes were just too tired the other night.
We're going to select #157. You've done a great job, and we really appreciate all of the hard work you've put into this logo! Kim is sick with the flu, but we are both very excited that this logo will be the face of her new clinic in our community.
My email address is benjamin.john.weiss@gmail.com, and Kimberly's is kimberly@birdvet.org.