Very cool tree. We would like to see some sort of separation between Hawthorn clinic and the subheading (natural health care and music therapy) maybe with different color or font? Not as wild about the leaf in entry #3 but the tree is unique. Green is very organic, but can we try the tree in a different color?
We also like the touch with the musical notes but aren't sure if more people will think it's more of a musical clinic than medicine (when it is both). It's neat because the hawthorn tree has medicinal berries and it's almost as if the musical notes are the berries.
Entry number 6: this is better, I like more colors being involved. I do like the font you chose, but I'm interested in seeing the Hawthorn Clinic in a font slightly similar to the way the branches look, but not cursive. I hope that makes sense :)
We really like the "guitar pick" design, that's the type of subtle music designs we want to see incorporated. For entry number 10: could you make the red spots just a bit smaller and without the yellow border?
regarding entry 6, please send this design in another color scheme. We don't want that yellow and that dark of a green. Also maybe a line between hawthorn clinic and the rest. For colors something brighter thanks
Colors: We really like green, blue, gray, and brown (shades of these colors). And we think that 2 colors may be more solid than 3 after looking at so many designs. Your design is still in our top three and we seem to compare everyone to yours, but we'd just love to see it in a couple color variations before we settle on the scheme you first picked. That way we feel confident in our decision. THANK YOU! Hope to see something today before the deadline.
ENTRY #6: Please make the tree white on the inside like you did for Entry #2. We feel for printing purposes we should limit the number of colors. We LOVE your work. Maybe you are out of town and that's why we haven't heard from you. Disregard all the other comments if you have time please please just change the tree to white on the inside instead of yellow. The contest ends today.
So much thanks! 2 suggestions For #88 and 86, could you lighten the line color to a grey or other so it's not black (in between Hawthorn clinic and the rest), and just a slightly lighter brown or green for the pick color in both. We like the lightness of the pick color in 90 and 91, but it almost gets washed out vs 88 and 86 are pretty bright contrast. Again THANK YOU
Brilliant. For the last change so we can decide, believe it or not, we are looking at entry number 2 again! ha, so if you could stylize it the same way as #97 with a faded line in between hawthorn clinic and the "natural health care...." a different color for one option and then as black or dark gray for another option (since the green may make it too difficult to read). Then we'll be set to make our final decision