Also, could we reverse the bold and regular fonts for Entry #2? So, the Hawaiian Style is the focal point in bold and the Luxury Vinyl Tile in regular.
We're liking the changes that have been made. Here are a couple more suggestions: Could we see #16 with the darker green from #15. For #1 could we have the Hawaiian Style larger, Luxury Vinyl Tile smaller, with the flower H from #15 replacing the current H Square. And could we see one with the flower H on top and one with the flower H to the left. Thank you, Vea.
Hi Vea, I really like Logo #1 as it looks very Luxurious but could you please make the focal point "Hawaiian Style" Larger a bit bolder and "The Luxury Vinyl Tile" smaller. Kind of reversing the sizes and instead of the the logo above could you please use the dark green logo from #13 and #17. They look really good. Do what you can thanks or as we say in Hawaii Mahalo.
Hi, I added a couple of options with the dark green color, as well as a few different scripts for the name. If you have anything else in mind, please feel free to share.
Looks great but I like the font on 43 and 44 just make them a tad bolder like like you did 46. It looks very good but I like the lettering a little darker or bolder. Looking good!
Hi Vea, I like 50 can you just make the Luxury Vinyl Tile a tad bigger and am I able to get it that way and also with the logo at the end? This is my first time dealing with this site. Thanks and Aloha, Mark
Hi Vea, thank you so much for letting us have both versions of the design! We would love to use both #53 and #54! They both turned out beautifully and are exactly what we're looking for. Now, how do we go about selecting those two as the winners for the logo contest? As we said before, we're quite new to this and are unsure of how to go about selecting winners and all. On behalf of Bamboo Flooring Hawaii, we want to thank you so much for all you have done! Mahalo, Vea!