All your designs are great. Responding specifically to a Board request, is it possible to get #6 in brand colors and font with a solid color in the lettering and the crescent design in the alternative color? I am not sure if #42 will be appreciated with a full orange top.
We are down to the wire and your logos are some of our top choices, if not the top choice! Thank you. But the Board has asked me to confirm again your choice of colors and type face. They do not seem to agree with the subsequent instructions I provided on November 21st.
The board wants logo colors to complement the new brand design for Lake Havasu City. Primary colors are orange PMS 021U (C/O M/53 Y/100 K/;O or R/255 G/108 B/44); yellow PMS 109U (C/O M/10 Y/100 K/O or R/255 G/198 B/O); and deep blue PMS 300U (C/100 M/44 Y/O K/O or R/O G/109 B/182).
Secondary colors can be red PMS 032U (C/0 M/78 Y/73 K/0 or R/246 G/80 B/88, grey blue PMS 2975U (C/44 M/0 Y/7 k/0 or R/139 G/213 B/238) and olive PMS 389U (C/24 M/0 Y/79 K/0 or R/189 G/220 B/4).
The type font needs to be: Avenir LT Std 65 Medium.
If you would kindly review design number 1 and 81 and submit a revised version to meet these specs, if appropriate, it would be very much appreciated as we aim to make a selection within the next week.
Thank you for information. Ok, I am ready to make revisions. Your contest in judging time, I can not send revisions. Only rank 1 can send revisions, please put me on the design of rank 1.
Thank you for your hard work and new designs. Three of them, out of a total of 10, will be submitted to the Board of Directors to select the finalist. I really appreciate the extra effort and best of luck. We will know the winner within the next seven days.
As I prepared to send the final selections to my Board, I realized that the grey color utilized in your design #138, #139 and #140 does not conform to our style guide colors. There is no gray in the palette, only the sky blue PMS 2975U. Can you look at these designs again and find a way to eliminate the gray and utilize one of the other approved colors?