I like the professional, polished look of this design. I like that you included the primary colors and the learning emphasis. A couple things I would like to see changed: -- would like "Harvest Christian Daycare" all to be the same size font. We do not want to emphasize "Harvest" only. Suggest making "Harvest" and "Daycare" purple and "Christian" another color (yellow?). -- Remove the slogan (Nurturing Today's Soil....). I think it makes it too wordy and it's pretty little. The purple that you have here is right on. I also like the abstract way that you incorporated Christianity.
We have ranked your design #1 and we would like to see if you can make a couple tweaks. We like both entries #32 and #30. We like how the size "Harvest Christian Daycare" in #32, but we like the layout of #30 also. We were wondering if there is a way to make "Harvest Christian Daycare" bigger on #30 (& Learning Center would also need to be bigger). On that same one, we would also like to see "& Learning Center right justified. We like that the size of the graphical piece is a little larger in #30.
On #32, we would like to see if there are things that you could do to make "Harvest Christian Daycare" stand out even more. Possibly you could add a thin border around the letters or maybe a shadow?
Are there any other options that you can show us for #30? We really like that layout but would like to see it the words bigger if possible? Would like to see your ideas on other ways we could use that layout.
Hi, good morning!! I have the changes that will work perfectly, but i can't upload them unless you rank me at #1 only to submit them, only the rank#1 can submit entries.
We like entry #108. Can you make the lettering a little bigger and possibly the logo just a little bit smaller? Also, we would like to see "& Learning Center" in a different color. Possibly Purple or Gold or something else complimentary? Maybe you could try to stretch out & Learning Center across the bottom? Would like to see a few different options here.
On #106, we would also like to see "& Learning Center" in something other than black.
On #101, there appears to be a screen or a shadow over "Harvest" and "Daycare" and we would like you to take that off. If you could make the lettering on #101 as bright as the lettering on #32 that would be great.
We like #109 but we are still looking for a few more tweaks. We would like you to space out "& Learning Center" so that it takes up the same amount of space across as "Harvest Christian Daycare". We also would like to see it with "And" spelled out (instead of the "&" symbol). It might also look good to put a line under "Harvest Christian Daycare" and put the "And Learning Center" under the line. Would like to see "And Learning Center" in purple and black. Also, can you make the lettering slightly bigger without reducing the size of the graphic?
I'm waiting on a couple more submissions in the next couple hours from the designer currently ranked #1, and then I will put you back in the #1 spot so that you can submit additional options.
I have put you back in the #1 rank so you can submit the changes.
A couple more comments:
-- please take the screen off the top of the words "harvest christian daycare" (it still makes it a little bit hard to read when it is small and has a screen on it) on #109
Let's also write "and learning center" in capitol letters.
Let's also put a thin purple or gold line under "harvest christian daycare" to separate it from the words "and learning center"
Hi, good morning!! Please check the changes, i used another bigger typography, let me know what you think. It looks very good with the line between the words. Hope you like it. Talk to you very soon! Nice wekened
Hi there. We have just a couple more tweaks to request. We are pretty sure this is the winner. On #121, could you try to put a very slight purple shadow behind the word "Christian". Would you also try and make the words just slightly bigger? The emblem still seems a little out of balance size wise with the lettering.
Hi, how are you? i'm glad you liked my entry. I already made the changes, i made a littler bigger the lettering and the emblem. I design this logo in a program call Adobe Illustrator. This logo will be yours in a vector file, in .eps format. and also in .jgep. for all your applications. Let me know all your needs, talk to you later.
Hi, it has a little too much purple shadow behind the word "christian" now. Other wise it looks great. If you could change this, that should be all we need.