We really like your use of color in these. #39 is probably the one we like the most because "Harvest Christian Daycare" stands out so much. Would like to see those words even more brilliant and sharp. Also, the script font for "and Learning Center" does not work. Would like to see a different font.
Here's an updated version. I have removed the shadow from the hand print I think this makes it more visible. I have brightened the yellow I used and have changed the script font to a child's handwriting. Since we have to submit designs in .jpg format the fonts will look a little fuzzy at these sizes however final versions will be crisp and clean no jagged edges or fuzziness :) Let me know if there are any other changes you'd like to see, perhaps a different font for HDC? (This references entry #51)
We are down to the judging phase and we would like to see if you could make a couple updates to #52. Could you move the hand to the left side of "HCD"? Also, the hand might be a little too big? It looks a little disproportionate. Also, could you try using the same font for "& LC" as you did for HCD? Also, could you try putting "Harvest" in purple, "Christian" in yellow and "Daycare" in purple?
Logo is to the left, I changed the type to Caps, just flows better that way (no uneven gaps of white space) and have made CHRISTIAN a litte more readable outline and extrusion. Hand is also a bit smaller. Thank you, you can change ranks again to get the other changes :)
I have changed colours and formation of the type, plus a variation on the "& Learning Center" font. Let me know if there is any further modifications I can make, different color changes, anything at all :)