I tried to come up with a biblical graphic relating to harvest and thought of the wheat and tares parable. The negative image left by the ears of wheat creates an image of a tree which relates to the growing/learning aspect of the daycare
I like the idea of graphically representing the growing/learning aspect of the daycare. The wheat symbol is OK, but would like to see more ideas along this line. Doesn't necessarily have to tie into a Biblical reference.
The logo itself needs to include purple and possibly some other primary colors. Also, we don't usually emphasis "Harvest" in the title. "Harvest Christian Daycare", is usually one line and "& Learning Center" is usually a subline, so I would like to see something with that emphasis. However, I do sort-of like emphasizing "Harvest" because of the growth connotation that it gives.
Hi Kwarner thanks for the comments on my last designs. I have just uploaded a few new designs and would love to get some more feedback on what you like/dislike so I can get some more direction on what you would like to see. Thanks!