Thanks for the new idea. we have spent many hours looking at it and holding up against our vehicles to see how it looks. Could you please make the colours really bold and bright such as sample #22. Can you also change the writing "be there in a HARTbeat" in black? Also can you try to give us a few samples of different styles of writing as well? Sorry to hassle you as i am sure you are very busy, but i would like to also see the new samples on the bright fluro yellow background aswell to also get a visual. You are brilliant though and cant express our gratitude enough. Waiting in anticipation for your response!!
Thank you Thank you Thank you. We are soo starting to love this concept that you have come up with. It isnt just a heart that has a wheel attached to it. In my original brief i wrote that i wanted the heart to come to life and you have certainly done that. you have made the heart a real vehicle and i love it. Are you able to make slight changes to it such as the design of the writing. Could it possibly stand out alot more with some white outline as well as black to make the letters look slightly apart and more recognisable please. As well could you add the Slogan.... " Be there in a HARTbeat" Apart from that. Great!!!
#38 Is this what you were thinking when you said a white and black outline? Also, I changed the red and blue. let me know if you have a preference either way and I can make changes for you tonight. Thanks, Glendon
Hi Glendon. I have only 1 day left to go but I need to make a final decision as soon as possible as you could appreciate. Please can you send those adjustments as soon as you can please. We are nearly there but just Need to move asap. Thanks again. HBC
I made the adjustments using a new font to make the words pop more and have the letters read better. #48 #49 #50 #51 #52 let me know if I am heading in the right direction. Thanks, Glendon
A few things for you to do for me please and its in the bag for you.... 1. i like the writing in sample #38 but i like the colours to be Darker,bolder and strong. Colours such as a blood red and deep ocean blue. 2. Please make each letter stand out as much as possible. 3. With the line," Be there in a HARTbeat", can you please make it in all black lettering and make it itallic. 4. I love the size of the heart in number #51. I prefer the name of the company to appear first in everyones mind. 5. Also very important.... Can you remove the window, door handle and nose of the car so it is affectively more of a heart look... I mean if you can fill the heart in red all inside it. Thanks. Please, for my last request, Can you please send me a sample with all these adjustments With a Yellow Background. Please Glendon. Thankyou
Ok this is the one...( Sample # 67 )..... You have done it,,,' A few tiny things i need to you slighty alter please. 1. Can you please make the beat word in the main name, exactly like the way you have done in sample # 71. The darker thicker blue is great. But still make it slightly smaller like you have done. 2. The " Be there in a HARTbeat " I would like fractionally smaller and with quotation lines as i have just written it. Apart from that...... Don't change a thing. You are Brilliant!!!
Please change the writing in the word ' beat ' in the sample i have ranked first to the darker blue and the same style as you have used in sample # 71> If you have a look at sample # 71, you will notice that it looks great. But still make it slightly smaller as you have in my favorite one.