Feedback for #26: -thanks for trying to incorporate all those elements in the logo -could we see this logo without the green antlers and change the brown font of "Hart" and "Sol" to grey? -could you also create a logo similar to this one but with only one antler coming off the top left of the H in Hart?
Could we see a couple things: 1.#49 with an orange cross without the fade 2. #49 with an orange cross without the fade and a simple sunset/sunrise design over Hart + Sol
Thank you... We like #52, but we're not sure if we like that the top right corner of the cross is cutoff because it is white and blends into the white background. Is it possible to either outline the cross as you did in #49 or give the sun some colour that's different from the white background (eg., very pale yellow? or creme? or off-white?). We will leave the artistry up to you. Our comments are just suggestions.