dear ch, this my second entry. i am using my favorite colors for #15 #16 and #17 and i make new version for #18 and #19 . and i am using Germany Icon (cologne bridge and building) for my design. but just silhouette. hope u like it.
dear ch, this is my entry from your command. hope u like it. please let me know if u want anything for changing. i just try to give you all the best i have. :)
ok can you # 27 do little like #9 little dezent. to much mobile phones. only 4 phones one could be like nokia n97 main is iphone. but likley #9 little small buildings.
but dezent. must be come in the front not the fronts:)
now we must finish. but you are up to now my favorite i will use the fonts and colours of entry #27 but i will the same building and mobile phones like entry #9 only 4 phones like entry #9 but now not only iphone iphone is the main but you can make new nokia n97 mini. but not white. you can also make nokia 6700.
dear ch... i am really really sorry for this lately... coz i have some trouble with my electric power on my house. this is the revision sir. hope u like it. and please let me know if u want something changing.