I like #12 the best (by a slim margin over #13), I think the fade in is very interesting for the outline of the UmYang. #13 is very nice for the color variation. #11 is nice, but looks too empty.
How do all of them / any of them look with the Galgwe (trigrams) symbols made larger?
I've posted a general comment that may be helpful as well. Thank you for your efforts so far.
There are an impressive number of examples here. I apologize that I won't be able to comment on all of them tonight. I will comment on the ones I find most interesting.
Please let me sleep on #30 and #31 - I will post feedback in the morning. I like them, but they seem a bit busy and I'd like to have more well directed comments for you on this.
#25 - I like the text and trigrams (Palgwe) much better in this one versus #12. Simplifying the color palette looks good. The Umyang with red on top is a nice change (it matches the flag). I am worried that the inconsistency in the lines of the Umyang will be difficult for making into uniform patches.
I will post more after sleep. Thank you for your efforts so far.
#32 and #33 - I apologize that I can't make better directions than a general comment, but I'm held up with these designs because of their complexity. I like the river, but there is too much going on.
Please let me know if there is something specific I can talk to that would help.