HairWikiLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / HairWiki
HairWiki has selected their winning logo design.
For $325 they received 168 designs
from 17 different designers from around the world.
We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired.
Logo Design Brief
Better information, better hair. (We dont want the slogan to be used in the logo.)
What We Do
Providing information about hair(everything: hair loss, style, color...) and hair treatment (mainly hair transplant) consultancy.
Color Preferences
We are completely open minded for the colors. But the logo should be suitable both for light on dark and dark on light usage.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The majority of the contents of our website will be videos. And we will also have a youtube channel. A symbol/icon that is used in logo that can also represent the brand alone would be great; so that we can also use it alone in our videos when needed.