Entry #10 - I really like this concept. It's very modern, industrial, almost tattoo like. I really like the industrial look of the Scissors/X...but is there any way to make them look a little more like traditional haircutting scissors without losing the industrial flair? Love the splashes of color....there is definitely something to play with there. Thanks for your submission!
Entry #12 and #13 - I really like the revisions! I like the addition of the screws. The scissors is technically backwards for a right handed cutter....something that probably only a hairdresser would notice...but it's the first thing I noticed...can the finger holes be switched? Thanks for your work!
WOW! I like all of those...You are one that is definitely keeping this tournament exciting...and going to make my decision very difficult....for that I thank you! I like #21 a little more than the rest, can you add the screws on the letters from #22 and put that on #21?
I really like the touch of the lined up screws in Mechani, and the bolt and nut between Hair and Body in #25. Can you add those same elements to #19, please? Thank you!