You got it. Looks great. Can you take just the left most black mountain section into the outside circle so there is no white. I will add 50 and close contest.
Yes, I can also add photoshop file. You are going to get Adobe Illustrator file, which will also be layered, and it is in vector, so it would be easier to edit.
I am not sure if EPS has separate layers or not. Is it possible to add a PSD (Photoshop) file even if its not a traditional graphics format, in case we want to change font style or size without having to ask you to do more work.
That sounds great! I will gladly make those changes for you. As soon as I get the modified version ready I will upload it. Thank you for choosing me as a winner, and thank you for the add on bonus!
We would like to choose you as the winner with 3 changes and an additional $50.00 additional fee for you. Remove HOME OF WILANDER and replace with MATS WILANDER TENNIS. MATS to the left of Idaho map, WILANDER TENNIS to the right of map. Spell out ID with IDAHO and put below SUN VALLEY.
Great logo. can you make the ID the same bold font as Sun Valley. Also can you make the bottom of circle outline visually finished. One last small change can you make the W (Wilander) start at 12 o’clock. In first place right now.
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That sounds great! I will gladly make those changes for you. As soon as I get the modified version ready I will upload it. Thank you for choosing me as a winner, and thank you for the add on bonus!