Sofiko: We like the logos. Can yiu make a couiple of changes to #70 1. please remove the bubbles or whatever the treatment is aorund the sun 2. please add the ocean and birds like in #85 3. please make the G and S in Gulf SHores large fint size than the rest of the letter. Our website URL is so we wnat the G & S in Gulf Shores to stand out a little more. 3a. please make logo with a differnt font type for Gulf Shores...more like cursive writing. See #94 as an example 4. Make Vacation Rentals font larger. Needs to be lcose to the same size as Gulf Shores font, but can be a different font type. 5. add a little more green in the backgorund under the "Gulf Shores" banner. too much white and not enough green. Hope these modifications make sense. Thanks, Geoff
sofiko: thanks for the immediate modifiactions. we like #122 better...the curved banner over the straight banner with "Gulf Shores" inside. The "Gulf Shores" is better, but like the cursive in #94 better...any chance you can find one more like that? One of the reasons we like that cursive font better is becase the G & S are noticeably larger than the rest of the letters. Does that make sense? Also, still need "Vacation Rentals" font to be large than it is. You can steal space from "Gulf Shores" size font to make "Vacation Rentals" bigger. Try "Vacation Rentals" in blue...makes it pop more since it is on a green background. Thanks. Geoff