None of these logos hit the nail on the head - the 'guardian angel' graphics only seemed to look like bird wings not anything I would want to use, and would like to see some community gate graphics like the one lof these, but in perspective as though opening: ANGEL:
If an angel, as recommended previously, thinking perhaps wings that seem to be folded/protecting, like in this image: figures:
I like these from iStockphoto as possible:
#2852757 (ones w/papers & phones could be perceived as answering/returning calls & papers in hand could represent hoa dues in mail)
#22089019 (they look businesslike, and it shows both men & women - perhaps somehow guarding gate
4608973 - this is a good vector image of gate type I'm shooting for, but has wreaths on it.
Really want to keep logo oval & wave inside the word 'guardian' w/font as main consistencies.