Growing Healthy Schools WeekLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Growing Healthy Schools Week

Growing Healthy Schools Week has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 122 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.






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I like the overall layout of 18. I think brown and red rather than blues would be better. The circle/pie chart looks cool, but I'm not sure what it conveys...maybe if it could keep a similar shape, but become more of an image of something. An apple like the Farm to School Week logo maybe? Just throwing it out there. Thank you!!!
12 years ago
12 years ago
On 15 and 14, could we use the image to convey the different elements of the week? Healthy Food and growing plants? Maybe two halves of a circle or square? We also like the apple logo on,. rather than the cafeteria tray logo that is also on there. (just to clarify)
12 years ago
22 looks better, can you use brown instead of orange and take the white image out of the apple?Maybe make the "schools week" dark green?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for feedback
I have uploaded updated logos, check please. Will continue my work on your project tomorrow.

Best Regards
Roma, 42studio subtropica
12 years ago
#32 is nice. We are trying to make sure school gardens are conveyed as well. Can we turn the apple into a plant with stem, roots and leaves (and maybe flower or fruit?) We want make sure healthy food and growing food are conveyed.
12 years ago
OK, Here is what we are thinking on 32: move the apple a little to left and add a sunflower on the right hand side. Also, to add to the growing theme, can you make the SCHOOLS WEEK dark brown, the HEALTHY a green (maybe a little darker) and the GROWING a deep marigold yellow? We are open to the color of that last word, but want it to represent the fruit or flower of a plant.

We really love this logo but are having to please a certain group of people who want this to convey non-edible gardens as well. This is the (terrible) logo from School Garden Week: I did not show you that at first because we really hate the style but I thought it might help you understand what we are dealing with. And if we include a flower we are giving them a nod, which may satisfy them.

12 years ago
Also, I'd like to see a stem on the sunflower...seems like one of the other designers did something similar to what I have asked of you. We will of course remember whose idea it was!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Can you clarify about adding sunflower idea, I will explain why I am asking: by the rules of LT designer has rights to protect his concept. So, if this idea was created by other designer, I can`t use it. But if it was based on your comment, I can use it.

Best Regards
Roma, 42studio subtropica
12 years ago
It was based on my comment. I gave the same comment to you both. Sorry for the confusion!
12 years ago

Can you make the words schools and week bigger and the same thicjkness as the other words?

And try one where the word week is at and angle on the right hand side? So GROWING< HEALTHY and SCHOOLS are stacked?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
12 years ago
These are great. Can we see 86 with the colors of the words reversed, so the brown for the soil is on the button? And maybe the color around thew word week in brown? Also, can the white flower looks more like a woodcut, so the shapes not filled in white, but just line drawing? Also, just to see, could you put school and week on the same line in that one?

How would 84 look if the ground under the plant was removed and the apple scooted down and the flower stem coming out of the letter I in GROWING? Again, with the colors of the words reversed so the word growing becomes green. Really like these both!
12 years ago
Sorry, just remembered something else. On the sunflower could you make the petals fewer in number, so simplifiy it a bit? And get rid of the shading in the center. We are trying to stay with flat colors I think. THANK YOU!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Nice ideas! I have uploaded revised logos, check please.
12 years ago
can we try 32 with the words like 95, but have the word week in the middle green color?

and can we try 95 with the word week in the middle green color and no leaves on the flower, the center of the flower bigger, which would push the petals out a little bit.

can you do 98 with a slightly bigger center to the flower and one witht he words as they are and one with the words like they ae with the word week running up the side?

and lastly, can you do another version of 31 without the dots inside the o's?

THANKS! These are coming along. You are our first choice.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Check please #104, #105, #106, #107, #108

Best Regards
Roma, 42studio subtropica
12 years ago
Great!! We liked the white border around the brown flower center. Could you put that back in #'s 106 and 107?

Also, on #105, can the flower bend a little more to the left, like the sunflower does? And what about one leaf on the right side of the stem, that is similar, but smaller, to the apple leaves? And can you make the petals look less like a pinwheel/spiral, so coming more straight out of the center if that makes sense.

And which one do YOU like the best? We are so divided over here between the apple with the white flower inside and the one with the sunflower.

Thank you! thank you!
12 years ago
Can we also see a version of 105 with the apple/flower from 86 with the flower the same but with only one leaf on the right side of the stem and moved down a touch. Then can you move the apple to the right of the work week? So the whole thing is one line?

And then try one where you juts move the apple a little to the left on top of the words. It feels to aligned along the middle.

We like the idea of the apple/flower image being able to stand alone if necessary on products, but feel like the image itself is a little weak and the contrast between the red and white is too strong. If you have any thoughts on how to remedy that, we are open to suggestions. Changing the color of the flower? We aren't sure.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I`ve made requested changes. My favorite one is #105, the apple with flower inside, iconic, simple and can stand alone if needed. As for me.

12 years ago
So, working on 105 still, we like the flower and the stem of the flower best in 86. Can you use that flower, but make the petals a little smaller, so the leaves of the flower are a little further away form the petals? And angle the flower a bit more so it goes a little further into the left side of the apple. And move the whole apple a little bit more to the left.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
ok, got it, check please #114, #115, #116, #117 I tried to create new shapes of flowers, may be you will like them!
12 years ago
Thank you!

Can you make 109 with the word 'week' vertical? But don't change the size of the image.

We love this!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Done, #118
12 years ago
Thank you!

LAST request before we put it to our advisory board for a vote:

Can you make 118 and 107 that include the tiny white space where the apple and sunflower meet?

And can you put the apple on top of the words in 112? (We like that flower design inside the apple best but also like it on top of the words the best.)

Thanks so much! We will give the group 8 hours to weigh in and then let you know which logo we prefer. We are thrilled with these.

12 years ago
Can you make a fourth logo using 112 with the apple on top, but with the flower as bog as possible with no stem? Just to see. Thank you.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, here they are #119, #120, #121, #122,
12 years ago
Perfect thanks!
12 years ago
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