number 22 has some nice elements as well,we are not a gym with weights .............we are a spin studio/dance fitness classes..if the wight became a spin bike..then perhaps that would sell who we are and more of what we do///grat colors in groove thanks..keep them have a nice look going as well.
hi...nice elements on 44..may we request that HE become a SHE and possible have long flowing wild hair...since i am the owner and instructor perhaps it could resemble Me while we are at it..This is really nicely done... we also were looking for a small music element.. I realize its a lot to ask without becoming to OVERDONE...but perhaps one of The o's could become an old record , or cd..?? thanks..we look foward to seeing what follows
51 is getting closer, we like the female rider on the record...very nice, again,perhaps long flowing hair..we also liked the colored GROOVE in 44 and COME WORK IT OUT needs to be in the logo thanks we look foward to seeing more