Hi,, I think this is a good way to start. Feedback is very welcome, and the more you can give to me. The more I can give to you. I’m looking forward to working with you on this...
# 18 &19 are getting closer...thanks we'd Like to see the bike smaller, and not all the words grouped together getting groovier indeed thanks keep em coming
it definately shouts groove we want people to want to join the party so to speak fitness should be fun fitness studio can be smaller COME work it out could be up top on a curve?? the bike need not be a seperate entity if we can incorporate it into the OO's and just add handle bars a top of the black groovy records.....does that help a little more?? you are getting closer....elenas soul entry number 131 had a lot of groovy to it..thank you andy
hi andy, # 21 is getting close ,we gained the right BIKE element but lost the RECORD album element and perhaps Fitness studio should be curved cenetered under the oo/s ?? You are getting closer ..We thank you..I found Elenas under restaurants...we liked the retro vibe of the shooring stars we offer group dance classes too... its all about the music all about the fun..we liked the background image juxtaposed in the earlier post also..keep on truckin andy
Its hard to find a place to put the records. here is one option, Maybe i could have it as the center of a sunburst, or sun set?? Thanks for all the feedback. I am enjoying working with you on this..
hey andy...24 is very cool indeed ..what we liked in 22 was the COME WORK IT OUT curved on top... and Fitness studio curved underneath...what if we add treble cleft ...in the meiidle so it reads
COME WORK IT OUT ...treble cleft like "AND"..Groove ..fitness studio...we also like the pink outline as oppossed to the green in 24..what did you think of the stars in elenas?? your getting the idea.. where the tunes are hot and the vibe is cool...Groove,,, i realize im throwing lots of elements at you...lets try it as a sunburst or add a treble cleft or perhaps musical notes shooting up instead of stars?? we thank you its been grand fun so far atching the progression thanks
hey andy number 27 is best yet...can we center it more...put Come work it out back on the top in the curve..like 22. center GROOVE under the cleft and Fitness studio smaller.centered under groove on an curve as well and the "RAYS" shooting upward like 23?? hope that makes some sense...your almost there..thanks..
hi andy, i see what you mean but 30 is my favorite i l do like the album in the sunrise in 31...we were wondering if instead of fitness stuio..perhaps we might try ..."where fitness is fun"...what if the handlebars were a darker color..31 is nice but we feel the wording needs to be in the right order..its a challenge..i realize, but we will get it eventually..thanks keep em coming..what other feedback can i give you?? we really want people to HAVE fun. feel unintimidates, drawn into it...its all about the music..its all about the fun..Hot tunes..cool vibe.. find your groove at GROOVE.. feelin groovy..
hi, its great fun to watch the metamorphosis.., what would it look like with the musical notes black?? what do you think??, and as much as I love the rainbow dragonfly, what if SHE were just purple and green??. all my dragonflies fly outward towards the sky..good karma... the only other thing, as we discussed in earlier designs is we like COME WORK IT OUT on a curve on top and fitness studio on a curve..on bottom. we like curves..lol..if it doesnt clutter the whole design..well. maybe we can try ..otherwise... really terrific...keep working the magic..thanks andy...
It was removed because of the use of backrounds in my logo. I am Away from my desk today. But I will resubmit changes without the backround tomorow, Sorry :-( .
I have been contacted by a designer in relation to the similarity’s in our work, So hopefully this will clear up any issues that may arise, Anyway,, Here is my new submission,
good morning ANDY, I like 91, we thought the previous ones that were removed had a lot going for them..the black notes, the dragonfly, we like the fitness studio alone at the bottom..the notes above the curves..etc..we are near the homestretch so lets see what we can get done...you have great vision..thanks