48 could you use some grey in background. I do not like white. Also tm sign at end of slogan. @ with a tm in the middle of the circle to indicate trademark
Hey if I pick yours and I change the name of my company to Griffin Legal Group can I still use this logo with different initials. In other words can I edit?
170 171 please also put a tm where you had it, above the logo, a little tm with a circle around it. Same with the tm after teh words a little tm with a circle around it. I am not sure whether if there is only one tm if it protects the words and the logo so I would like to have it both places. Sorry to be such a pain but I am new at this so I am not sure that when I pick it it can never be changed!!!
dear CH; thats ok, never mind if u want somthink change, im glad working together with u,, these is colaboration works, bout the 'TM' i know this is very important for u, but i think the 'TM' would be nicely if do not too confiscating of attention , if you wish the TM reside in at the two ( icon and text) I would give u 'master file separately, like entry #..2 last thankyou:) heyy,, marrycristmas for u,,, to, and happy new years,, :)
its ok, thx to for ur appreciated, i think , i make a mistake, bout the 'TM' whether 'TM' there must be two in one desain?? i dont think so for #173 and thes my revision, thankyou verymuch, hope this is the best for u:) let me know if somthink change marycristmast'
hello CH, how do you do? hope ur be ok:) i wnt just want to say 'happy new years 2010' well,, these are my improvisation for the lettering, try to put san serif font for make 'izzy' feeling, and modern feel' its just for comparation to another my designs thank you so much ,