Green Shield ProductsLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Green Shield Products
Green Shield Products has selected their winning logo design.
For $675 they received 412 designs
from 80 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Green Shield Products is a manufacturer of high-performance, energy efficient roof coatings and urethan foam
Color Preferences
Green, as in our name, should be the primary color. Not sure if complimentary colors will look good, but open to the idea.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Name of the company is "Green Shield Products". Incorporating the color green and a shield would be preferred. Our current logo has a green tree in it, but the tree isn't a must. Something that conveys energy efficiency is a MUST. Our audiences are: Builders, Installers and Facility Owners looking to upgrade their buildings to be energy efficient. Don't love our current logo!