#27 You're really Good!!! We like you're work. Our problem now is chossing. :-) If is you're company what logo do you chose? And what idea different from what we wanted you recommend as logo for our company that would make it stand out and be the difference?
Thanx for appreciating my designs and ideaz, i think first of all the logo must be unique and goes well with our business, i think my logo has very unique text treatment and it subtly denotes your business, its leaf made out of letter G,
In my view the three leaf idea is best suited , it suggests the 3 aspects of your business 1. renewable energy 2. Energy Eficient 3. Environment friendly aspect and clearly defines your business with three leaves as G with 3 different colors is fine for your company.
#27 Dennis, please change the position of the word COMPANY to the right side in vertical position next to the letter N of Green. We like your art because it has a meaning. Thank you for your ideas.
#39 Like the change. If we pick your logo, will you send us the art in all format (JPEG, PDF etc.) and the specifications that this webpage recomend? It will be able to move the elements once we have the art for future promotions like hats, t-shirts, billboard...? We will make postcards, business cards and newspapers promo, do you think that you can help us with the art?
yes sure...no problem i will send you all the files needed to you in the formats you desire, and i am always available to help you in your future projects.
Dennis: We need and art for a post card and thats gona have our logo and company name. Also some of our products, address and telephone numbers. How can we comunicate with you after we're done with this?
Dear CH, As per the Logotournament rules, i cannot disclose my contact details to you tiil the contest is finished. If you select me as a winner, then i will send you the final file of the logo and other details. Hope you understand