Thank you for all of the submissions. The variety, creativity and quality are much appreciated. I am really intrigued by the one that I have ranked the highest for you. I like the idea of the little three smile design making an abstract emblem. That one just feels like a bunch of bananas to me.....maybe trying that same thing and rearranging them into a different shape/design would be perfect. I could see going with a lot of these with some minor tweaks...
Big fan of the one I have ranked the highest. Could you give me a couple of options with slightly tweaking that same design, font style with different shade (deeper) blues or greens and maybe bolder letters? Thank you
Hi there. I think we are going to go with the highest ranked one for you. If you could give me a couple of different subtle variations....the first if you could just make the word "dental" more prominent, same color just a little thicker more bold lettering. And the second, making the whole Green Bay Smiles and Dental a little thicker font, not much, just a little bit. Thank you!