am attaching our web address so you can see our current logo, which we like, but are trying to improve.
We are NOT looking to make a play off of the word Gravity, or Social, or Political.
We want a cool, stylish, and unique MARK or SYMBOL we can use across all of the Gravity companies, be it Social Gravity, Political Gravity or any new Gravity companies we develop.
Perhaps someone is talented enough to develop a cool mark, and utilize the word gravity in it, so we will leave that possibility open, but we WANT a MARK or SYMBOL as the new GRAVITY branding.
Thanks for your efforts, and remember, Navy Blue OR Reflex (a royal type blue) is one of the main colors, along with silver or gray as another main color.
The light blue (as in twitter and Facebook, even though they have 2 different shades of light blue) is an accent color, or fade in color.
A bright cardinal red MIGHT be able to be mixed in, but not at the expense of the other colors.