Sunardi. Thanks for the tip on feedback. I didn't know I could do this. I'm learning. LOVE the stylized horn incorporating the swooping golden triangle uniform element!!! (#10, #11) Can we make it more high-tech, leaner, modern (no, I don't know exactly what I'm saying, but hoping you have some ideas). Can you incorporate a waving flag behind the horn without complicating things too much? could the bell of the horn also stylize a bass drum (okay, I may be asking waaaay too much, admitedly)? I'm a drummer. I'm partial. Can't wait to see what comes next! - Rich
Thank you for your quick feedback. A little notes from the stylized horn is that it forms a letter G for Granbury. This idea is also shown on my first entries #4 #5 and #6. I know that you prefer more modern (high tech) feel from this logo. I'm still trying to explore this 'high tech' feel, of course without losing some messages from its name "pirate band". So, I'll highly appreciate your further input and suggestions on this new entry #26.
Yes! I get it. Love the new typeface. Maybe play with italicizing some of the lines to see if we get more movement (and more high tech) feeling that way? Can you make the horn just ever so slightly less round/fat? can it be just a hair leaner without killing the stylized "G" effect? Maybe in other words, can the horn stretch ever so slightly left-to-right? Also, I look at the golden triangle (bottom of the horn bell) and wonder if we can't work in the uniform elements (vertical segments in the swooping golden area and addition of the harder edged triangle within it)? Can the segments of the golden swoop be stylized xylophone bars (similar to piano keys) without being too "cute" (and over-busy)? Can the flag's tilt (angle) a little bit less (more vertical)? can the flag's waving curves match the curve of the top of the horn bell? Just ideas. We are REALLY loving this design!!! - Rich
AWESOME!!!! Sunardi. Yes! Yes! Yes! Now, how bout you give the flag just a bit more sharpness/shape. Have the bottom line of the waving flag follow the shape of the horn bell a little more accurately and bring the bell of the horn down lower like you had in #10 - HEY! - Maybe you can color the top half of the horn bell purple like you had in #10 and #27 too (?)!!! Is the geometry of the front of the horn bell the same as in #27 (preferred) or did it get a little "flatter"? Do you think you could add a tiny bit of flag pole to the bottom left hand corner of the flag? Or maybe cut the horn there to "imply" a tiny piece of flag pole? And the last gold bar on the right -- can you make it take the shape of and complete the bottom right corner of the horn bell sort of like you had in #10?
Sunardi, I just got off the phone with the band directors and the band has selected another design. I cannot believe it! You were my personal favorite and head and shoulders winner. But lo, the final decision was not mine. Thank you so much for your awesome contribution and all the time you put into our contest. You are very good at what you do! - Rich
It's Okay rchiappe, I understand the situation. I hope you're enjoyed working with us, and thank you for being a respectful and fairly competition holder during the contest.