Sweeeeeet!!!! You're very good. We like the simplicity of the flag in #13. love the way you've incorporated a stylized character over the flag (let's face it, it's a BAND and the horns take priority over the flag twirlers...oops, hope you were never a flag twirler). ; ) Please see if we can get a little more clarity on the horn character without cluttering or complicating the design too much and please see the unform element to see if you can get that swoopy gold triangle design on the character's chest. The typefaces need to go higher-tech/modern. But man, what a first offering. Thanks again for all the time spent. - Rich
Alright, I think we just sent you on a wild goose chase. Sorry about that. Too many elements, huh? We LOVE what you came up with but we just keep going back to simpler designs. This logo is going to be on shirts, notebooks, bumperstickers and most importantly emblazoned down the side of a huge semi tractor trailer (the equipment "bus" has grown since the days when I was in marching band!). Back to #13, can we get just a hair more definition on he horn player, a slightly longer horn (not much!), and maybe stylize a bass drum (slanted/movement?) mostly obscured by but peeking out the right side of and below the flag? And please incorporate the fonts of #21 with everything shortened (squashed) shorter and italicized for movement. (?) Just returned from the drum line's competition where they pulled 2nd place beating all but one of the bands that were all in a higher division than our "Pride of Granbury" drum line. Gotta try at least to include that drum line. Sorry but the flutes will have to take a back seat to the trumpet player (familiar territory though, huh ; ) - Rich
Here's a revision according to instructions. Thanks for feedback, and for a fun contest.
Yes, I got used to taking a back seat to the horns and drums. Luckily, I was also in Wind Ensemble and Orchestra, where I got to be a star. Haven't heard a bass drum solo, lately. ;)
Congrats on the good showing at competition. I do remember those days fondly.
Funny stuff - hey, I was thinking more like #50 but like #49 better. How 'bout taking a tiny bit of the angle out of the bass drum and sizing it right at the top of the flag pole (a compromise between #49 and #50). and please soften the bass drum - maybe try purple or gold - or don't be afraid to use grays. Most of the kids' uniforms are black so black gradients (grays) are totally cool - for text too - if they help you balance the image any. Can you go back to the shadowed flag as in #13 (maybe shadow with a dark gray instead?) and please try filling the bottom left portion of the flag gold instead of purple - I'm confusing it with the horn player and it's not making sense in my head. Whatever you did to the hat ploom in #49 is a winner! Can you simplify the shine on the trumpet bell a bit too? I love the slight incorporation of the uniform chest elements - I just wish they were more noticeable somehow without taking the horn player out of proportion (?) The Pride of Granbury needs a simpler, squarer higher-tech font but we can always play with those well after the contest. If you have a good pack, maybe throw another one or two out there. The other type faces are a bit too heavy and the italicizing needs to be softened just a hair. But I'm getting ticky tacky now. I won't be surprised if the band picks this one. It's awesome!
Hey, I just Googled your band and saw the name Pam Carver on your staff. Is she the Pam Carver who was at NSU in Louisiana working with "The Spirit of Northwestern" band?" That would be a hoot, if it's the same person. Thought I'd ask, anyway.
Pam Carver. I'm not sure. I actually haven't met her. You know how snobby we percussionists are about the color guard. But I'll ask her when I do meet her. Hey, the band directors just picked a design I hadn't ranked very high. What do I know? Thanks for all the work. I really thought they'd like your design best. Until the next contest...