Hello there - thank you for the ranking! What a nice surprise this morning. Please let me know if you would like to see any variations or how I can make this better for you.
Hello! I wasn't expecting an entry like this, but I really like it. I love dots, the design reminds me of champagne. It's not quite there for me, but I really love it. What if the dots were little birds? Too kitchy?
Hey there - I really like this too. I wanted to provide something unexpected and memorable. I also wanted to provide a design with movement - as if the bird had just flown out of the nest. That's what the idea behind the dots was - though I think I like the champagne reference a little better - lol. I think if I converted the dots to birds it will end up being too much of a good thing and given the size, end up getting lost.
I wish I could improve this for you. I'll give it some thought and if I come up with an idea, I'll let you know.
Hello again. So, this design doesn't fit with my current website at all. But I really like it. Considering redoing the site to rebrand using this logo. I was wondering if you could punch up the color a bit (more fuschia). Could I see a few variations of the logo? I really liked your description of the thought behind it - movement, leaving the nest, etc. It made me think of how our nests aren't full of just design, but all the other things of like we have to deal with. I really like it. And thanks for shooting me down on converting dots to birds. Would have ruined it.
Hey there - thank you for ranking and the feedback! Yes, I would be very happy to provide you with some variations. I can definitely punch up the color with some fuschia. Will you just let me know if you were looking for the more vibrant colors for the dots or for all the elements?
Hello - I just uploaded three variations that punched things up a little. Let me know if any of these are headed in the right direction. ( #182, #184, #185)
Hey there - please let me know if there is anything else you would like to see. I took a look at your website and I do believe that this design will fit nicely. If you end up selecting my design, I have some suggestions about incorporating it into your website.